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~Mew's POV~

I'm exhausted.

I flopped down beside him with my dick still pulsing and twitching, eager to fill my precious boyfriend again.

Damn, I never thought having sex would ever be this good!

But I didn't have my baby when people used to talk about their sex experiences when I was in school.

I sat up and rubbed my face before turning to my passed out boyfriend. I smiled and kissed his cheeks before getting up from bed to go to the bathroom.

At one point we decided to take a bath but that didn't go as planned and the bag with the ointment for him is in there. I grabbed the bag from the counter and went back to him with a clean damp towel to help clean off all the lubricant that's still residing inside. Once I had properly cleaned him up, I opened the ointment and put some on my finger to gently rub it inside to help with the soreness after he wakes up.

I yawned and turned to look at the clock to read the time.


No wonder he's out!

I'm sorry my precious baby!

I'll make it up to you whenever you wake up!

Let me close all the curtains, shut off all alarms, turn off every light and get you comfortable.

I barely even feel tired.

How should I make him comfortable that also won't hurt him when he wakes up? I know he be super sore and I need to make sure he won't hurt that bad.


I'll make us a tiny fort!

It'll be the best!

I'm going to steal everything I need from the couch and his old bedroom.

I'm going to need lots of pillows and blankets......I should put clothes on him.

Nah, it'll be fine. I'll warm him up with my body heat.

I smiled to myself as I made our bed more comfy and warm. Once I was completely done and satisfied with our bed, I got comfortable and pulled him into my arms. He kept moving, trying to get comfortable before settling on my chest and letting his legs entangle with mine.

This is the best!

Cuddling with my sweetheart is the most amazing thing to do in bed......I mean besides making love to him now but cuddling stills beats it though.

I wrapped my arms around his body before letting my eyes shut close and my body slip off to sleep.


~Gulf's POV~

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