Unfinished Business

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~Gulf's POV~

I tried my hardest not to show how nervous I was. I want to fully be one with Mew. I want us to take the next step into our relationship. I want us to go all the way.

He's the only one for me.

The only one I will ever want.

Sure this all scared me in the beginning when we first started our relationship and my head kept overthinking everything, but now that I think about it? I know in every single cell of my entire being, that Khun Phi will never do anything that could harm me in any way, shape or form.

I trust him with everything!

He is my everything.

Looking at him now sitting on the bed with me still in his lap, I'm getting nervous with how he hasn't said anything.

Does he think it's too soon?

Does he not want to?

Does he know how?

What if he doesn't know how?

What if he just doesn't want to touch me?

Do I smell funny?

What if-

"Are you sure?" He whispered.

My thoughts came to a complete stop and I looked back into his beautiful warm eyes. All of my doubts and thoughts all went away with the worried and caring look in his eyes. I melted and smiled at him.

"I'm sure. You are my everything and the only one I will ever love it be with. I want to do this."

He pulled me into a hug and wrapped one arm around my waist and the other held my head into the crook of his neck. We stayed like this for a moment before I felt myself being laid on my back, my head falling on our pillows. He kissed my forehead before moving down to my eyes....to my cheeks.....to my nose.....to my lips.....to my jaw......to my neck.....and all down my chest and tummy.

My body wanted to curl in delight from the warmth of his soft lips but I stayed still and let him continue his path of worshipping my body. He froze at the band of my pants and gently hooked his fingers inside before slowly dragging it down my thighs and legs, leaving my boxers where they are.

I took in a shakey breath as his lips then trailed down my thighs......my legs....and down to my feet.

"M-mew! My feet are dirty!"

He smiled and climbed back up and kissed my forehead once more.

"Nothing about you can ever disgust me Gulf. When I say I love you, I mean I love every. Single. Part. Of. You." He so gently whispered as he kiss all down my body once more before stopping.

"We don't have any lubricant love. I don't want to hurt you."

I started to think before something popped into my head.

"I still have massaging oil. It's all natural so it should be safe to use. It's in the bathroom inside the cabinet."

"I'll be right back."

He got up and went over to the bathroom before quickly returning with the bottle. He moved back over me and set it on the nightstand before turning back to me.

"Are you sure you're ready love?"

I quickly nodded my head.

"I'm ready. I trust you."

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