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~Mew's POV~

"Sir, I really don't think I can come tonight. I have...lots of papers and lessons to go over so..."

"Nonsense Mew! It's just for a couple of hours. It'll be fine! All of us are going."

The dean stopped by my class today and told me about an outing for the professors. Like going out to eat, chat, drink, sing and stuff.

I can't leave Guppie alone though.

After the incident last week, he woke up the following morning as Guppie. He was fine after that.

"I really can't-"

"We already have reservations so meet us there at 6. See you soon!"

He left, ignoring my protests.

What am I going to do now!?

They already made reservations!

I need to hurry and get home to Guppie.

Once I was in my car starting it, I was rushing home since I was already delayed by the dean.

Once I was through the door I heard the familiar greeting.

"Daddy! Daddy home!"

I already had my arms out to greet the big bundle of energy.

"I'm home Guppie."

"Guppie missed daddy."

"I'm sorry. Come over here and let's talk."

He bounced over to the couch and sat down before returning his newly found yellow dino to his mouth.

"Umm, remember daddy's boss? Well, I have to go to some dinner thing so daddy has to leave later. I'll be back before bedtime though. I promise to tuck you in for bed."

I looked at Guppie who no longer had the pacifier in his mouth due to it being open. His lip started quivering and then the tears filled his eyes.

"No! Guppie and daddy time! Daddy pway wit Guppie!"

"I know I know. I don't really want to either but my hands are tied. They already made the plans and I'll only be gone for a little bit."

His tears fell and he shook his head.

"Daddy stay! No weave Guppie!"

"I'll only be gone for a little bit. If you're a good boy while I'm gone, we can go get ice cream tomorrow."

"Guppie wan daddy no ice cweam!"

"I know Guppie. If daddy could he wouldn't go...the dean already made reservations and it would be rude to cancel. I'll tell him that I need to be home before bedtime."

He sniffled and wiped his face before looking at me.

"Pwomise, chu be back fo bedtime?"

"Daddy promises. I still have a while to be with you before I have to go though."

"Otay daddy."

"First, let's make you some dinner."


"Guppie, I have to go now. Behave okay?"

"Otay daddy...I miss chu."

"I'll miss you too. I'll be back soon okay? For being a good boy today, you can have one cookie. Bye Guppie."

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