Surprise for Daddy Pt.2

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~Gulf's POV~

Hmmm, maybe I should've bought the black bowtie. This white one isn't giving the same feel as the black bowtie but it will have to do.

Okay! My outfit is all ready to go so now comes the tricky part.

Cooking dinner for daddy...

Once I was standing in the kitchen pulling up a recipe I had saved, I was slightly scared but determined.

I gulped and then turned to the words on the glowing screen.

You can do this!

You love daddy so you can make him dinner too!

I roamed around the kitchen to find everything I needed for the curry rice and an easy sushi dish.

You can do this....

I can do this!


~Mew's POV~

"Mama, I just helped mow the lawn! What else do you need from me?"

"What? Can't I ask my son to help out his poor old mom?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Mama, you're not old. What else do you need me to do?"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" She asked while she crossed her arms and looked at me with a raised eyebrow from her spot on the couch.

"I wanna go back home to my baby boyfriend~" I whined.

"Well unfortunately for you, you're stuck here for a while longer."

"Okay....what else do you need my help with?" I sighed.

"Well, my back hurts a lot recently so I can't clean the floors and lower stuff on the ground like I usually do..."

"Okay mama, I'll take care of it."

"That's my good son. Now hurry if you want to go back to your precious boyfriend."

"You got it mama!" I smiled and started to work on cleaning up.


"Mama! I'm going now!"

"But you've only been here 2 hours!"

"Yes..........I have to go home now. You don't need my help anymore."


"Oh, Mew is still here?"

I looked back into the living to see Jom coming downstairs looking at both me and mama.

"Yeah I'm still here. Mama keeps coming up with new chores for me to do."

"Oh yeah! Mama is supposed to distract you while Gulf-"


Mama yelled and Jom then slapped her hand over her mouth.


"Mama, what does Jom mean that you were supposed to distract me?"

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