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~Mew's POV~


Part of me doesn't want to turn around incase it's just my imagination but the other part wants to turn and join him in our bed. M-maybe he's just really really sleepy and-

"P'Mew? P'Mew what happened? I'm so head hurts. What happened to us? Wait wait wait! Are you okay?!! Were you hurt?! Oh my gosh!! Am I dreaming?!"

I turned and hurried over to stop his rambling before firmly grasping his face into my palms. I got him to focus on me before placing a sweet soft kiss to his forehead before pulling him into my chest and on my lap hugging him tightly to my body.

"We're fine, we're safe, nothing can bother us anymore. We are home. We are okay sweetheart."

I let him calm down and breathe for a few minutes while rubbing his back and giving small kisses here and there. Once I was confident he had finally calmed down, I let him ask his questions one by one.

"What happened after.....the incident?"

"After.....we ended up in the hospital and you went to surgery to remove all the bullets in your body. I waited outside the door for you but I passed out from stress and malnutrition. When I woke up we were both in hospital beds and I had seen you resting so I climbed out of bed and went over to you to wait for you until you woke up. I was making sure you were doing okay and resting well when the nurse came in. She then explained to me that all of the sedation and strain your body had gone through along with the physical surgery had caused you to....enter a coma." I explained.

"A coma?! How long was I out?!"

"You were out for 3 months."

He slumped slightly in my arms before he buried his face into my chest. His body shook as he continued his questions.

"What happened after I woke up?"

"When you woke up, you didn't wake up as yourself. You woke up as Guppie love. He was scared and hurting so he didn't stay awake for long and it was hard to make sure you ate. Guppie didn't like the cafeteria food so I always made meals. We also had to get you into physical therapy to get used to using your muscles and moving around again."

"H-how long.....was I Guppie?"

"About 5 months..." I whispered.

His body stilled and his breath hitched when he clung tighter to me and wrapped his body closer to mine. His voice was shaky and scared when he spoke again.

"I was g-gone.....for 8 m-months?"

I slowly nodded my head in confirmation.

Just like that, his whimpers turned into full-blown tears and sobs. I cradled him in my arms to let him release all of the pent up emotions bottled inside.

"I'm s-sorry! I'm so s-sorry! I f-failed to k-keep you h-happy! I'm s-so pathe-"

I lightly smacked his thigh before pulling his chin up and staring him straight in the eye.

"Do not apologize or say that word ever again! None of this was your fault! Sure I wasn't happy the entire time but that was never because of you! You did nothing wrong sweetheart. Please don't breaks my heart to keep seeing you cry."

I gave a sweet kiss to his cheek and let him get ahold of himself until he was finally calm again.

"I'm sorry for my outburst P'Mew. It was just......a lot to take in."

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