Musings of Suppawhipped

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~Mew's POV~

Things have been pretty chill this past week. Guppie keeps coming out to play every now and then, regular calls between mama and Gulf, teaching Gulf here and there how to cook, amazing make out sessions, and wonderful pampering for my precious baby boyfriend.

Which leads me to this morning.

I actually woke up almost an hour earlier than my alarm today and my baby is sleeping on my arm with his body curled up and his fist keeping a tight grip on my shirt.

I smiled and wrapped my arm around his waist while planting a kiss on his cheek.

I have the cutest boyfriend to ever exist!

I pulled him closer to me and rubbed my nose into his soft chubby cheeks while smiling.

My baby Gulf is the best.

He's adorable.

He's caring.

He has a beautiful poong ka tee that I love to squish!

He has soft, plump chestnut lips I love to kiss.

The most beautiful and biggest bambi eyes I love to look into.

He has soft golden skin that I love to pamper with my kisses and hugs.

The fluffiest and softest hair I love running my fingers through.

The most comforting and warm hold he has when we hold hands or cuddle.

The cutest and biggest smile to ever grace this universe.

Cute and small ears that flush when I tease him.

Long, soft, and strong legs that love to hang onto me when he wants me to hold him.

The most adorable blush that grace his adorable cheeks.

The cutest moles that speckle his soft skin.

He has the most amazing giggles and laughs that could bless anybody who hears them.

The most caring person I could ask for.

The most amazing person I could ever meet or even be privileged to get as my baby boyfriend.

All these thoughts ran through my head as I watched him sleep before I felt him stir in my arms.

"Khun Phi?"

"What is it sweetheart?"

I brushed the stray hairs out of his face while he yawned and stretched. He leaned up on one arm while rubbing his eyes and then turning to face me.

"What time is it?"

"Like 6 I think. Why?"

He just nodded his head and got comfortable on my chest again and laid there for a good few minutes. Just as I thought he fell back asleep, he was kissing his way up my chest.

I just held his head while his lips went up my jaw to reach my lips before softly caressing them with his own.

I pulled his body closer to mine as our lips danced against each other while clinging to the other for support.

Just as we separated to take a breath, I pulled him up with me and pulled him onto my lap before bringing his lips down to mine and devouring them. We moved them together in their own tune before my tongue slipped into his mouth and started to have it's way in his warm cavern.

Our soft groans filled the atmosphere around us, making the air feel hot even though we were wearing thin clothes and the temperature was low. His arms draped over my shoulders as he thighs rested on either side of my waist, gently rocking against me.

I held his waist in a tight grip before I moved him into his back and snuck my hand into his pants and grabbed his hard member in my hand. He moaned out as my hand gently held and pumped his aching cock, making the air feel even hotter than before.

His own hand wrapped around my cock and jerked it in the same rhythm I was doing his. Our lips finally parted as our pants were becoming too difficult to hold. We were breathing so hard and so close to each other, we were practically breathing each other in.

Our hands started moving faster and tightening as we tried to reach our climax faster. The heat in my body getting unbearable as I wanted to release and coat my baby in the scent of the both of us together, claiming him mine.

How could I have gotten so lucky to have him as mine? To touch, to love, to claim, to possess, to admire, to adore, to care for, to hold, to pamper and to call mine.

I felt myself beginning to unravel before I felt a hot sticky substance fill my hand and my own soon following.

Our foreheads rested against each other while we tried to even our breathing before my entire brain was sent into shock of what my baby asked me.

"Khun Phi, will you.....

try and........stretch me....for the first time?" He asked, looking up at me with nervous but determined eyes. His messy hair and swollen lips may have also been affecting my thought process as I tried to process what he just asked me to do.



Sorry it's a little short but I wanted to have a little suspense today🤭

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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