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~Mew's POV~

"Okay! Class dismissed! Go home."

I gathered up my bag and all my papers before rushing out of my classroom to my car.

I know there's a small bakery near my place so I'm going to get him something from there.

I got out of my car and hurried inside to look at all the things they offered. Since all kids love chocolate maybe I should buy a chocolate cupcake.

I ordered one to go and waited for them to give it to me when I felt taps on my shoulder.

I turned and saw a group of my students.

"Mr. Jongcheveevat! What are you doing here? We've never seen you here before."

"Uhh, just a quick snack. I have lots to do when I get home so I need some energy. I have to go now. I'll see you all on Monday."

I grabbed the little box holding the cupcake and quickly entered my car.

I hurried home and quickly opened the door to gawk at the sight in my living room.

Right smack in the middle looks like a fricking cult circle of stuffed animals!

The biggest stuffed animals are placed on the outside while it descends into the smaller ones in the inside of the circle. Lying there in the middle of it, is Guppie sleeping on a bunch of blankets and pillows.

I quietly put down my stuff and walked closer to the circle to observe it. They're all organized by animal, color, and size. long did this take him?

I looked closer at him and observed him sleeping. He had little crumbs of food around his mouth, his hair is a little messed up but he's also sucking in his fingers.

Shoot, I might have to get him things like that one website said.

Apparently his condition can also be defined as being a 'little'. Some littles need things like an actual child does. It can be anything from sippy cups to pacifiers to rattles.

If he sucks on his fingers I might have to get him a pacifier.

How long has he been asleep?

At least he's okay and sleeping, no signs of anything wrong.

Okay, he can be by himself while I work!

Hmm, what should I make for dinner?

I put his cupcake in the fridge so he could eat it later.

I started going through my cabinets trying to figure out what to make when I heard a sniffle.

I looked back to the living room and saw Guppie rubbing his eyes and pouting.


"I'm in the kitchen."

He carefully got out of his cult circle and when he was safely out, he ran over and hugged me.

"Daddy back!"

"I'm back. Was Guppie a good boy?"

"Yesh, Guppie did nofing bad! Guppie good."

I patted his head and returned his hug.

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