Small Changes and Good News

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~Mew's POV~

This is all.......very strange.

Never in my entire life would I ever think I would do something like this at all. Of course in this past few months things haven't always been normal for me. Which is why I shouldn't be questioning the scene before me.

I'm currently teaching my students and helping them progress their projects......with baby Guppie in my lap playing with his stuffed dino.

This has been my normal routine for a week now but it's still weird. Everyday we all come here and continue class with the disguise of doing a final project and it actually works!

Guppie is always on his best behavior except if I don't give him attention for a longer period of time. But he is so adorable when he just sits and listens to me teach!

Sometimes he listens to my lessons and asks me questions about our topic and his adorable doe eyes always shimmer in excitement while he learns!

It's even better when he manages to get the courage to ask students other than Mild what they're doing! It isn't often but it's better than nothing. I'm proud of the progress he's made in just a week.

I also like how he takes stickers he's managed to sweet-talk the nurses into giving him and he sticks them on the students' papers, their clothes, hands or their bags.

"So then how do you want us to present this project sir?"

"Well, you will create a virtual presentation and present it in front of the nurses and doctors here! They offered to help with the grading of your projects based on accuracy and the execution on your description of your information. I'll only be grading your speech, information quality and quantity, and how you organize your project as well. Questions?"

I looked up from looking down at Guppie playing with my hand to see all of my students looking at me like some sort of alien.



Guppie put his finger in front of his lips and made a shhh gesture and pouted at their outburst.

"Shhhh! Guppie no wike scweaming. No yell."

I chuckled at his behavior before calming down the students so I can explain it to them.

"It's not going to be super uptight like if you explain something partially correctly but they don't like it you fail situation. They understand you aren't professionals but they still want to see good accurate information. Besides, you could just step out into the hall and do a small interview with someone just as long as they aren't busy and you guys are nice about it."

Many sighs of relief were made and Guppie just looked at them with confusion. He seemed to be thinking before he shrugged and turned towards me to wrap his body around mine before tucking his head into my neck. I glanced at my watch to check the time.

It is almost his regular nap time.

I got up and began to gently rub his back before addressing my students again.

"I'll be right back. Keep working. Mild, you're in charge."

I left the room and took Guppie back to his regular room while trying to get him to fall asleep.

I just walked around with him in my arms humming a soft lullaby until I could feel his breathing even out. I gently laid him in his bed, tucked him in, made sure he had his pacifier and dino, and kissed his forehead before quietly leaving the room.

My baby is so adorable. I want to squish his little cheeks and boop his nose while cuddling him all day! Unfortunately, I can't until his physical therapy is done and we can go home.

Cheer up Mew!

Just a little bit longer!

You've got this!


~few days later~

"Daddy! Up! Up!"

I smiled at the sweet adorable baby smiling at me while making tiny grabby hands in my direction. I walked over and lifted him into my arms before turning to the doctor that just finished his check-up.

"Well Mr. Jongcheveevat, I have some pretty good news for you. After a month of physical therapy, Guppie here is all good to go! He has not mobility issues anymore and his wounds have pretty much completely healed! I'm positive you'll be able to officially discharge him tomorrow!"

Unknowingly a smile burst onto my face before I turned Guppies attention to me.

"Did you hear that sweetheart?! We can go home tomorrow!" I nuzzled his soft neck and squeezed him into a tighter hold with excitement.

We can go home!

"Home? Guppie go home?!" He squealed.

"Yeah! We can go home!"

We both started twirling around and letting happy sounds fill the air while laughing in glee. He ran to his room and began to pack all of the stuff he's had here for the past few months. All his clothes, toys, crayons, books, and his nightlight we're placed in the large bag we've been using since we've been here.

I can't wait to bring my baby back to our home.


"Daddy! Home! Home! Home!"

Guppie smiled and yelled while pointing at our building and floor while trying to already get out of the car and go up.

"Hang on sweetheart. Just a minute. Don't forget your dino. I'll grab our bag. Don't cross the road without me either." I chuckled out.

His eyes sparkled and I tossed the bag over my shoulder and grabbed his hand before crossing over and entering the building. We went up and I took out my keys to open the door. I pushed it open and he ran inside to begin running around jumping everywhere and saying hello to all of the stuffed animals he hasn't seen in a long time.

My heart warmed at the sight of seeing my baby back where he belongs. Right here with me.

We are home.



We are back home lovelies!!💜

We are almost finished with this story!

Gulf will be back soon so don't worry!😊

Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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