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~3rd POV~

"He's falling apart piece by piece every hour he realizes he's still missing! It's been 4 days! In those 4 days, that kid would've found him and brought him back home! Why won't you accept his deal!?"

Dr. Khunpol has been trying to convince the police to accept the deal Gulf offered but none of them want to allow Gulf to do so. Most of them still believe he's psychotic and will harm more people or even Mew himself.

"How can we be sure that kid knows where he is? How do you know that he's actually missing and the kid hasn't done anything to the man himself?" One officer complained.

"Because! Gulf completely depends on him and practically worships the man! That man is his everything! That man is the center of his world! Everything he does, he thinks about what Mew would say! Before he does anything he thinks about if Mew would approve! He cries every hour for Mew, begging for him to come back! Everytime you think that's a child crying! That's his confused and terrified alter! No matter how hard he tries to convince me or someone else he understands he doesn't! His entire reality came crashing down months ago! That doesn't fix itself overnight! His reality revolves around Mew and what he says is okay and normal! He's ready to risk everything to make sure Mew safe and back home! His connection with Mew is much deeper than just lovers or relationship! Every day he's apart from Mew encourages him to go back to his old ways to get him back! By the time he decides to do that.....he won't have a deal to give you anymore."

Gulf is already unstable enough as it is.

Nurses have to sedate him for him to sleep.

They have to force him to eat and drink.

They have to force him to sit down and stop pacing.

They have to sedate or strap him down if he tries to escape or harm himself in anger.

Dr. Khunpol is half ready to let Gulf go himself. From the ways Gulf has rarely talked about his might be a miracle if Mew isn't gone already.


"What do you mean!?" The chief of police yelled.

"I mean that either you let Gulf have clearance by noon or my people won't be able to stop him again. He will act on his own if he's desperate enough.......and he is very desperate."

If they were to sedate Gulf again, he would die from an overdose of sedation. If they tie him down again, he would willingly break his bones to escape. If someone were to try and stop him........they would die.

Dr. Khunpol has laid it out plain and simple for the chief.

Either let him go willingly.....or he'll leave on his own. Gulf is more than capable to do it.

Either they have a way to ensure everything is going to be okay or they have no idea what Gulf will do to get Mew back.

"Let me and my team interact with him, then we can see."

"Fine, I can't promise he'll respond to you though. He doesn't listen to orders or higher ups. You have no control over him. Only one man does and you don't know where he is."


~Gulf's POV~

"What do you want?"

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