Home Again

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~Mew's POV~

"Shh, let's go night night baby Guppie. Let's say good night to your stuffies." I cooed into his ear.

"Noooo~ G-guppie no s-sweepy~", he softly whined.

I made us dinner earlier of his favorite crispy pork basil and he colored in his usual spot before we ended up cuddling on the couch with his cartoons playing on the TV. His head began to droop and his eyes kept fluttering as he kept cuddling closer to my chest as the sky grew darker and the clock ticked closer to 9. Much past his bedtime.

"Shh, come on. Daddy will read you a story and hold you to sleep. Doesn't my baby need his sleep?"

"Noo~ Guppie's ponies~" He pouted and whimpered when I turned off the TV.

"You can watch more in the morning sweetheart. I promise. Hold on tight."

I got a good hold on him before carrying him up to our room while he mumbled goodnight to as many toys as he could when I felt his head completely go down. I pushed open the door and entered our room to gently lay him down in his usual spot and softly hummed his usual lullaby while putting his pacifier snuggly between his lips. I turned on his nightlight and went to the closet to change into pajamas before joining him in bed. He felt my presence and cuddled close to tuck his face into my neck and get a firm grip on my shirt before completely settling down.

I set a gentle kiss on his forehead and carefully wrapped my arms around him to keep him close to me. I nuzzled into his soft hair and let my body relax into the warm and soft sensation of going to sleep in our bed with my baby in my arms again.

I missed this so much........

Faint and tiny tears breached my eyes at the feeling of longing to be home with my sweetheart again. I quietly sniffled and pressed another kiss to his temple this time. My heart is content and warm with his gentle hold on me, grounding me to reality that we are home together again.

I'm happy........blissfully happy.

I looked down at his adorable sleeping face and gave one last peck on his cheek before finally settling down to really sleep.

Goodnight baby Guppie. Daddy loves you.......and I'm so happy to have you back home in my arms again.


~1 month later~

Ever since my baby has been back home time has breezed by and it was time for me to grade my students final project of the year. Guppie is being watched by mama near the front while the students were lined up near the podium facing the rows of chairs that the staff will be sitting in.

They've worked hard these past few weeks and I couldn't be any prouder of them.

Guppie was so supportive and comforting to all of the nervous kids and didn't mind giving warm hugs or stickers to them. He's certainly gotten very comfortable with being social and around people but he still prefers to cling to my side or obediently sit until I'm by his side again.

I was chatting here and there with the doctors and nurses while I waited for the equipment to be set up. It was mainly discussions about how well Guppie's health was doing and how much he enjoyed being home again.

Everything has been going our way recently and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I snapped out of my thoughts when everything was ready and they were prepared to begin. I smiled and gave them all a small nod of encouragement before I grabbed my pen and began grading their final assignment.


~2 months later~


I smiled and hugged my sweet baby Guppie as I walked through the door of mama's house. She and Jom took Guppie out earlier and I'm here to pick him up.

"Hi baby Guppie. Did you have fun today?"

"Yesh! Mama give Guppie ice cweam! Jomjom alsho give Guppie wots of cookies!" He giggled out in glee and swung his arms around as he explained everything he did with them today.

I playfully scolded my mama and sister for giving him so much sugar as we watched him run around the living room playing with Chopper. I chatted with them both before I decided it was time to take us back home.

Once Guppie was buckled in and we were on our way home, he fell asleep with his head resting on his dino. I got him up to our home and set him down on our bed before making my way out to clean up a bit downstairs and think about what to make for dinner. Just as soon as I opened our door again I heard him whisper.


And I stopped in my tracks with my heart racing to burst out of my chest.

"Gulf?" I whispered.


Cya in the next chapter lovelies bye-bye 💜💜💜

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