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~Mew's POV~

My throat closed up, blood drained from my face, fear seeped its way into my heart, and panic filled my brain.

My baby....he can't be hurt... I-i need t-to protect him!

I need disclosure forms a-and m-medical reports and a l-lawyer a-and-

"Mew! My god teenagers run so fast!"

I focused in on a frazzled Dr. Khunpol that rushed over.

Right.....he's supposed to do a check up on Guppie....

"J-just give me a sec Mew. Ugh, I hate running. Anyways, I met your mom downstairs and we chatted for a minute and that's when I noticed the increasingly large crowd of students near us. I didn't think that much of it but after your mom left, they started getting antsy and then they began to distract the doctors and nurses before following your mom up here. By the way kids, you shouldn't even think about following people like that and intruding on people's privacy!!! Where are your manners?!" Dr. Khunpol growled out.

He crossed his arms and sassily glowered at them before taking the folder he had and slamming it down on the nurse's counter. He quickly spoke to the nurse and hurriedly asked her to print out forms to make sure the students would keep quiet about today's events.

He had once explained to me if people were to possibly find out about my baby, they would try to investigate him, question everything, ask for experiments to be done, let different doctors try to examine him like an animal.....

I can't let any of this happen. I need to protect my baby. He's the only thing that matters. He's mine and no one is allowed to take him from me. Not even himself.

He will stay with me and stay safe until we can go back home.

Just as the forms began printing I heard the door open behind me and a soft trembling whisper filling the tense atmosphere.


I immediately turned around and hurried to the door to hide him from the students vision before holding his cheek in my palm.

"What's the matter sweetheart? Are you in pain?"

He shook his head while wrapping his arms around my waist and tucking his face into the crook of my neck.

"Daddy sad?"

"No baby, I'm okay sweetheart. Daddy is just having to do important stuff. Go back inside where it's safer. Remember, daddy will bring his baby a cupcake if he's a good boy."

He sniffled and whimpered as gave one last affectionate rub before letting his arms drop. I stepped back to close the door when Guppie gasped and yelled out gleefully.

"Mild! Come pway wit Guppie?"

Mild had just rushed in behind the other students when his back straightened up at the calling of his name by a familiar voice.

"Guppie!" I whisper yelled.

He tried to leave the room when I held him back by his arms to keep him away from them and safe when he began to cry.

"Owwie! Guppie wan Mild!"

"Guppie! Get back inside! It's safer in there!" I continued whisper yelling.


"No. You can't play with Mild right now. If Guppie gets back inside and behaves daddy will call Mild later and let him come play with you. Right now you need to get back inside."

My Psycho BabyWhere stories live. Discover now