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~Mew's POV~

"Daddy! Is woud! Go bye-bye!"

"It's just the phone baby Guppie. Wait here."

It's more likely to be Mild. It's Friday so he might be asking if he could come over. I picked up the phone and put it to my ear.


"P'Mew? Can I speak to Gulf?"

"Right now he's Guppie and he might be a little mad at you for interrupting his cartoons."

"Oh, can he still talk on the phone as Guppie?"

"He does when I call him. Let me see. Guppie! Come here!"


His back is facing me as he keeps looking at the TV. Even from here I can tell he's irritated.

"It's Mild, he wants to talk to you."

He perked up and turned to face me.

He got up and came over before calmly holding his hands out for the phone.

"Here, I'll be in the living room while you talk with him."


I gave it to him before pecking his head and walking to the couch. Just as I sat down I heard yelling.

"No stop Guppie watch ponies!!!!!! Meanie!! Guppie no wan talk!!"

"Guppie!" I twisted my body to look over the couch and at him.

He turned away from the phone and looked at me sweetly.

"Yes daddy?"

"Why are you yelling?"

"Mild meanie! Guppie watch ponies!"

I'm about to make you stop watching your ponies.

"Apologize to Mild, you probably bursted his ear drums."


"Guppie, now."

"No! Guppie watch ponies! Mild meanie!!"

I sighed before getting up from the couch and going back to the phone and took it from him.

"Sorry Mild, we'll call you back later. Give us a few minutes."

I hung up before turning to Guppie and grabbing him up.

"Guppie down!"

He started squirming trying to get down before I plopped him down on the couch.

"Aow! Daddy let Guppie watch TV!"

I grabbed the TV remote and turned off the TV before putting it on the coffee table.

"Daddy! Guppie's ponies!!"

"No more TV."


"No, you are being a bad boy. Mild wanted to talk to you but you were being mean. You're cartoons can wait. When you call him again, you will apologize to him."

"No Guppie good boy!"

"No he's not. Good boys aren't mean. What are you going to do when you call Mild?"

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