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~Mew's POV~

"Goodnight Yai Nong. I'll see you in the morning."

"Night daddy."

Once I made sure he was all ready to sleep, I kissed his forehead and got up to go to my room.

I grabbed my towel and hopped in the bathroom for a quick shower.

Today was good for Guppie and Gulf. I'm glad he had fun. I just wish I could help him be more interactive with other people. Maybe I should ask his psychiatrist on what I could do.

I rinsed off all the soap on my body and got out to wrap my towel around my waist. I walked over to my sink and started to brush my teeth.

I hope he's sleeping now. He spent a lot of energy today but he took a nap. I hope it doesn't mess with his sleep schedule.

I went to get grab my pajamas to get dressed but I didn't see them.

Where did they go?

I swear I grabbed them.

Hmm, maybe I didn't.

I secured my towel around my waist to go back to my room before I felt my heart leap out of my chest.

"Gulf! What are you doing awake!?"

"Daddy......can I sleep with you tonight?"

He's laying down at the foot of my bed with his head hanging off over the edge wearing my pajamas.

They barely even fit him too. The collar hangs off his shoulders, the sleeves completely cover his hands, and the waistband of the pants are desperately trying to hold onto his small waist.

"Gulf, I didn't know it was supposed to rain tonight. Why are you wearing my pajamas?"

"Cause they're comfy."

"How did you get them!?"

"My pajamas weren't making me warm and daddy is always warm when he sleeps. Daddy's pajamas must be very warm. I found them in your bathroom."

"How did you find them in my bathroom?"

"I opened the door and saw them so I grabbed them."

"While I was in the shower!?"

"Yeah why?"

This boy!

"You can't just go to my bathroom while I'm taking a shower! What if I was naked!?"

"I would hope you would be naked while you are taking a shower."

"That's not what I meant! Like what if I hadn't entered the shower yet!?"

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"You bathe me all the time."

I flushed and clenched my hands.

"That's different!"

"So then can I bathe you?"


"Why not?"

"Because....I...I am a grown man and you are just 18!"

"So, I'm a man too."

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