Back to Work

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~Gulf's POV~

These past few days of staying all day with daddy.....has come to an end.

This is the last night of daddy's time off before he returns to work in the morning. I don't want him to go back!

I want him to stay home with me so we can cuddle and kiss all day with no interruptions!

I glared at the plate of food in front of me. I stabbed my pork and shoved it in my mouth angrily. I chewed and turned my head to watch daddy finish his own dinner and his cup of water.

"Hurry and finish your dinner love. We need to put the dishes away and shower so we can go to bed early."

I sulkily nodded my head before finishing up my food and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Daddy was already in his bathroom taking his shower so I'll just borrow his pajamas and take a shower in the other bathroom.

I hurried upstairs to our room and grabbed some pajamas before going to the other bathroom to shower. I turned on the hit water and stripped before adding some cold water and jumped in.

I don't want daddy to go back to work.

Can't we just stay home all day and ignore the outside world?


I hurriedly finished my shower since I know daddy will make me dry my hair and I don't want to waste any more time away from his arms in our bed.

I left the shower and hurriedly dried off before pulling on the pajamas and rushing to our room while rubbing my hair with the towel.

I sat down on my side of the bed and kept drying my hair while I waited for daddy to get out and join me. Soon after, daddy came out dressed and was still drying his hair with a towel when he saw me.

"Hey, are you ready for bed yet?"

He put his towel away in the hamper and climbed in on his side before rolling over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah I guess."

I threw my towel and laid down while daddy buried his face in my tummy. I laid my hand on his head while we just laid like that for a while before daddy rolled us over and laid my over his chest. 

"I'm going to miss you sweetheart."

I felt his lips press against my head as his hand began to rub circles on my back.

"I'm going to miss you too daddy. I don't want you to leave."

"I know baby but I have to.......I actually have a question for you."


"I was talking to mama the other day and I was talking about how I had to go back to work soon and leave you alone again. She said....if you want to, you can go over to her house and stay with her while I'm working. She also said she doesn't mind picking you up and dropping you off. What do you think?"

"I'll stay with mama while you work?"

"Yeah, that way you aren't alone and you have someone with you incase you're Guppie."

It makes sense....

"I don't know...maybe if I think about. I'll tell you if I come up with a decision."

"Okay sweetheart, whatever you want. Sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow and the first thing I want to see is your beautiful face. Love you sweetheart, go to sleep."

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