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Travis's POV

It was a Sunday morning and i was sitting at the kitchen table. Sal had gone out to see Larry and ash.

A sudden firm knock shook me out of my trance. I got up and walked over to the door. Gizmo meowed behind me.

I opened the door to see my father with a stern look.


"Oh good morning father, Why aren't you at church."

"I have many things to discuss with you son, may I come in?"

I debated for a minute but let my guard down and nodded.

I lead him to the kitchen table. He sat across from me.

It was silent for a few minutes until he broke it.

"I'll say it bluntly, your mother died early this morning and left some money in your will."

"Wait what? H-how did she-"

"Well I called 911 and she went to the hospital around 3 in the morning. She died at 5 apparently due to kidney failure."

"Oh dear god."

"Language son, Dont use the lords name in vein. Anyways you will be getting your part of the will but...there's more I would like to speak about."

I sighed. Couldn't even give me a few minutes to comprehend my mothers death huh?

"Go on.."

"Look if I'm being completely honest, I still don't like the whole gay thing. I still think it's completely wrong. Due to the fact you two haven't married yet makes me think you still can be saved. I put up the whole supporting you act because of your mother. If she wasn't there 2 years ago you could have been saved earlier."

I scoffed.

"So wait, You think you can change me all the sudden?! Just because mother is gone. How dare you even use her death as a homophobic excuse. Get out of my house and don't make me ask twice bitch."

He rolled his eyes and started getting up.

"By the way Travis, Your money from your mother will come by tomorrow. if I had it my way you wouldn't get a single cent so you better be grateful damn faggot."

The door opened and Sal stood there with a grocery Bag. My father shoved by him and Sal gave him a confused look.

He walked over to me and set the bag down.

"Travis what was that about?"

I sighed and rubbed my temple.

"Well, unfortunately my mother died today. She left me some money in her will."

"Oh Travis I'm so sorry."

He walked over by me and hugged me.

"It's okay, just he said another thing..."

He let go of me and took my hand into his. He stared up at me and gave a comforting look.

I sighed, I couldn't get out of this.

"He said that he never supported me being gay. He only did it to make my mom not leave him. He used her. He also said that because were not married yet that means I can still be saved, whatever the hell that means."

Sal took off his prosthetic and placed a small kiss on my lips.

"Travis, he's just being a bitch. We don't have to be married for us to be in love. Besides we probably won't see him ever again so fuck his opinions."

I smiled softly.

"Your right Sal. This is exactly why I fell in love with you."

He giggled.

"I love you to, now will you help me put away the groceries."

"Yes sir."

I kissed the top of his head and carried the bag into the kitchen.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

This is the sequel to "the sour lemon boy"

<3 love you guys.

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