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Tw? Mentions of what Sal did

Sal's POV

I woke up with a bright light shining down on me and a voice.

"I love you."

I heard footsteps going in the opposite direction and then the click of the door.


Fuck it was to late, he was already out the door.

I try to sit up and failed. I tried again and was successful.

I looked around the room I was in and noticed flowers and cards on my bedside table. One stood out to me though.

I reached as far as I could and grabbed the card. It was yellow with no words on the front.

I opened it and it was the picture of me and Travis in highschool, the one where we were on the Ferris wheel.

The card read:

"I was gonna start this off cheesy but decided against that.

Sal I wish I could have helped you more and noticed you were struggling and I'm so sorry I didn't.

Hopefully when you wake up, you can forgive me.

I love you so much and I promise your not alone. Me and the gang love and care about you a lot.

Your probably wondering why I put our photo in the card and that was because I knew it was your favorite. I don't know why though because I look emo and weird.

Anyways I can't wait for when your awake again, I miss you so much

I love you. <3

~Lemon Boy"

"I miss you to..."

I sighed and put the card back on the table. There we're more but after Travis's I was already emotional.

I wish I hadn't just woken up. Then I could have chased after him or yelled for him to turn around and told him I was alright.

I looked at the bedside table again and just as I thought, I didn't have my phone.

Fucking great.

I knew I could call a nurse here to ask for them to call him but I wasn't sure if I should yet.

This whole thing was just a mess and I wish I wasn't a idiot and tried to do what I did. I should have just asked for help when I knew I needed it but I didn't wanna wreck my pride and besides I hate asking for help. It scares me.


Larry's POV ((shocking ik))

Henry fisher
Died 2 years ago
Cause of death suicide.

"It just doesn't make sense"

"What doesn't make sense?"

"Henry's death, like I knew Sal and Henry for a while way before you and Todd did and he just didn't seem like the type of dude to do that. I mean yeah he had mental problems and a alcohol addiction but still."

"Why are you thinking about his death so suddenly?"

"To be honest it's not even suddenly , it's been bothering me for like a month now."

"That's strange"

"So wanna go visit Sal today?"

"I'm afraid I'm busy today dear but you can ask Travis To go with. I'm sure he wouldn't mind at all"

"Alright, I'll see you later ash."

"Bye! Text me when your there ok?"

"Of course"

I walked out the apartment and headed towards the elevator.

Should I even ask Travis if he wanted to go? Sure why not what's the worse that could happen.

Once I reached my car I called Travis.

Ring, ring, ring...

Why didn't he answer?

I tried again

Ring, ring


"Hey Travis you okay?"

"Yeah actually, why?"

"You didn't answer, usually you do like before it even rings."

"Yeah sorry I was getting out of the car."

"Where'd you go?"

"I just got back from the hospital."

"Oh I was actually about to ask you if you wanted to meet me there."

"I would love to but I'm exhausted."

"That's alright I understand. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Alright thanks Larry. Good luck!"

"Bye travis."

I hung up and continued my drive to the hospital.
Sal's POV

Great this is just fucking great.

I'm so bored out of my mind and I don't have my phone so I can't even do anything.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling.

Why Did I do this to myself.

I regret this so much and I'm forever gonna be ashamed of it.

I wouldn't be surprised if everyone slowly starts leaving me because of this.

I mean who would ever wanna be friends with someone who didn't even wanna live.

I hear the door click open and I look to the side.

Larry walked in...




He ran over to me and hugged me.

"Holy fucking Christ you scared the shit out of me. I'm so happy your awake."


He let go of me and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Why Sal.."

"I wish I knew."

"It's okay just as long as your fine now. I promise once we get you out of this boring room me and everyone else is gonna help you the best we can alright? Your not alone this time Sal."

"Thanks Larry that means a lot."

He smiled and pulled me back into a hug.

"I didn't know what I would have done without my best friend."

I smiled and hugged Larry tight.

"Im sorry."

"It's ok. Everything's ok now."

——Author Note——

Hey everyone thank you so much for being patient.

Alot's been happening rn but I didn't wanna get unfocused from the book besides writing makes me happy :]

Anyways hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!

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