
477 13 13

Sal's POV

"Alright everybody ready!"

We all cheered a yes.

We were on the rooftop of the apartment building and ash was about to pop a confetti cannon.




The confetti bursted and it was a girl!

Larry picked up ash and swayed her off her feet.


Travis laughed at me.

"Congratulations you two!"

"Do you guys know her name yet?"

Ash thought for a moment.

"We were thinking Erin or saige."

"I think saige Johnson sounds cooler in my opinion"

"I'm guessing you picked that name larry?"

"What gave it away"

I giggled at his response and turned towards Travis.

"Told ya I was right"

"I'm happy for them, their gonna be good parents."


Ash announced that she got some cake to celebrate and that we were gonna head back inside the apartment.

We followed them back and we all stood at the kitchen island throwing around different baby name suggestions.

"What about ice cream"

"Larry your just hungry"

Ash just shook her head.

"I think we're gonna go with saige, it just suits well for some reason."

"It does fit with both of your last names"

"Exactly what I was thinking."

We finished our slices of cake and Larry brought out some alcoholic beverages.

"I think I'm gonna head out, congrats again ash and Larry!"

"Aw come on dude stay!"

Travis looked at me with the "what are we choosing to do" look.

"Sorry Larry I'm just tired and besides I have a job interview tomorrow."

"Alright alright see you later guys"


Me and Travis headed back to our apartment.

"Everything alright?"

"I don't know, I just don't like being around alcohol."

"It's okay, I get it."

I sighed and spaced out for the rest of the walk. When we got back to the apartment I laid down on the couch. Travis sat on the floor in front of me.

"I feel bad for leaving"

"Don't, you felt uncomfortable and that's fine."

"Yeah but this is a pretty big event. Especially for Larry, I knew how much he wanted to be a dad and shit."

"I'm sure he understands. He didn't seem all that upset. Besides we stuck around for a while. That's better than just not showing up."

"Your right"

"I always am"

"Blah blah blah"

He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. You gonna be alright?"


He smiled and nodded at Me.

——TimeSkip to the next morning——

I woke up to gizmo's tail flicking me in the face.

"Pfft come on dude seriously"


I pushed him off me and covered my head with the sheets.

I heard Travis laughing.

"I wouldn't be laughing to soon."

"Why's that"

Then I heard gizmo meow and Travis groan.

I uncovered my head from the blankets and saw that gizmo jumped on his face.


"Told ya"

Travis pushed gizmo off him and turned to face me fully.

"Your annoying"

"Gizmo's the one who's annoying for your information."




"Now if you don't mind I wanna go back to sleep."

"Its like 8:30 already"

"And? We don't have anything to do today."

"Mmm your right about that but we shouldn't just lay around all day."

"Why is that exactly?"

"I actually don't have a reason why"

"Sleep it is"

"Fair enough"

I smiled at my victory and cuddled back into the blankets. Soon travis wrapped his arm around me and leaned into my neck.

"I was thinking about our wedding the other day and im just so excited that im finally going to marry you"

He laughed and kissed my neck.

"Im excited to, it's not everyday you get to marry your soulmate."

"I like that"

"Like what?"

"Being called your soulmate, probably would sound cheesy to others but I truly adore the thoughts of soulmates."

"I like believing in soulmates to, especially since I found mine."

"I'm so glad everything worked out in the end."

"Me to, it was a rocky start when we met but here we are"

"2 more months and we're to be wedded."

"Almost can't believe we've gotten this far"

I smiled to myself.

"We're so cheesy"

"We really are"

"Those cliché highschool sweethearts"

"Aw man you didn't have to go there"

"You can't deny it"




He ran into the kitchen and saw the cloud of smoke forming.



I nodded and quickly looked through drawers.

I handed him a pair and he took the tray out of the oven. The food suddenly caught fire and he dropped it into the sink and sprayed water on it.

"Jesus Christ"

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"I'm guessing pizza?"

"Pizza sounds good."

"Pizza it is."

——Author Note——
Random fluff chapter :]

Hope you enjoyed! I'll see you in the next chapter

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