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Sal's POV

Finally it was the week I was said to be released and I only had one more day left in here.

I was so excited to go home and finally be out of this boring hospital room.

"Sal fisher?"

I look over at the door and see the doctor walk in.

He was a strange man, he was about 6'0 and was around 25-30 years old. He had brown slicked back hair and a stern look everyday.

"Still here unfortunately."

"This hospital isn't that bad Sal."

"Yeah yeah, anyways what's the status update?"

"We ran every last test we needed and you are 100% cleared to be discharged tomorrow morning around 9:30."


"Alright alright settle down. You wouldn't wanna ruin your healing progress by getting to excited and getting a heart attack"

"Can that even happen?"

"I don't know but I don't wanna find out."

"You and me both."

"Alright well I'll check in on you later. Bye Sal"


Damn i should have asked if I could have left today. Oh well it's just a couple more hours. It was already 2:00.

                                 Lemon bitch 💛
Are u gonna visit me today? ):

Yeah! I'll be there soon just gotta take care of some stuff.

Lemme guess, gizmo?

How'd u know?

Idk just a guess

Alr well I'll see you later :] <3

Bye! <3

Love you!

Love you to!

At least I still had my phone with me so I was able to text people, most importantly Travis.

Now that I think about Travis, it's weird to know we had a cliche love story. I don't regret any of it though.

I guess soulmates do exist, and I'm glad to know that I definitely found mine.

I remember one conversation I had with Larry about love. I had asked him if he thought anyone could ever loved me the way my father loved my mother.

I guess this whole cliche story answered my question.

I Laid back and stared at the ceiling. One cool thing about my room is there's a sky light and it's pretty big so I was able to see more of the skies beauty.

Looking at the sky was one of my favorite thing's to do. There's just something about the whole concept of it that makes me feel safe. I know it's a weird thing to say but it was true.

My favorite time to look at the sky was when the sun was setting and when it was fully dark and all the beautiful stars came out.

I found comfort in the star's. I could talk about them for hours on end but I never really tell anyone about my interest for them. Only travis and Larry have ever heard me go on about stars.

Travis and Larry both agree with me on the whole star thing. That made me feel better about my Interest and made me feel like I wasn't a weirdo for loving stars.

I have a theory actually, I know most people have different religions meaning they have different beliefs about what happens when we die but because I never really developed a religion of my own I started thinking and came to the conclusion of believing that when we die we turn into our own beautiful star. 

I know it's a odd thing but that also gives me comfort and doesn't really make me scared of death much.

I sat back up and stared out the window. I really couldn't wait til I was out of this place.

I heard the door click open and Travis walked in. He looked tired but once he looked up and over at me he smiled.

"Hey sal"

"Glad to see you didn't forget about me."

"I know I came here late but I'm here now and also your very clingy."

"So are you!"

"Yeahhh but your more clingy."

"I wish I wasn't comfortable right now or trust me I would get out of this bed and smack you."

"Good luck with that."

"Whatever, Anyways how are you?"

"I'm okay, just busy and tired. Who knew moving took so much energy and time?"

"Wish I could be home and help."

"It's only a few more hours."

"I know but I'm still very exited. I can't wait to be home for a little bit before we move."

"Still can't believe we're actually leaving nockfell. Feels like a dream."

"I know but I also know this is gonna be the best thing for us right now. I mean we all agree nockfell is definitely not the best place to settle down and live life at."

"100% agree on that one."

"Besides, Jersey has a lot more opportunities and just better stuff. It's nothing compared to nockfell."

"I can't wait to finally get a real job and for us to have a better life. Growing up in nockfell does some damage to you."

"That I can also agree on."

"Well all I know is whatever comes our way we'll get through it together as usual."


"So I believe the plan is in a week after tomorrow, we'll be leaving for jersey and get our life's started there and then maple and chug might moved down after we have everything set up. I know for sure me,you,Larry,ash,Neil, and Todd are all going in a week together."

"Sounds about right."

"I still can't believe all this is happening but I'm so excited to finally leave everything in this town behind and start fresh."

"Me to. after the last few years here I'm ready to say goodbye and call it good here."

"It's gonna be a tiring move, are we sure we're gonna be ready in a week?"

"Of course we'll be ready and even if we're not we got each other and the gang and whatever happens we'll figure it out."

"Your right."

"Stop stressing about it, we'll be fine I promise."

"Your right, we're gonna be ok."

"That's the spirit!"

————Author Note————
Hi! Thank you guys for waiting!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter as always and also please go follow me on TikTok (@Cursed_Nugget) I will be posting funny wattpad author videos and stuff like that idk lol

Anyways see you in the next chapter and thank you for the love and support <33

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