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Travis's POV

—TimeSkip 2 months—

Only one week left before me and sal's wedding.

To be honest I was getting nervous. I mean I had no doubts about marrying Sal, I just have bad nerves-

Anyways today was the day we finalize our outfits. I had no clue what sal was going to wear but ash was coming to help me pick a suit that will match whatever sal's wearing.

I was great full for ash really, she's been very helpful.

"How about a black tux with a blue tie?"

"Eh I don't really wanna wear a full on suit, what about a really nice dress shirt with a tie"

"I will say I like that you and Sal both think alike. He didn't want anything to fancy either."

"Let's be honest here, who out of everyone in our group gets fancy dressed?"

"Neil and Todd"

"Expect them-"

"Look Travis you can wear whatever you want, it's your wedding day. I honestly agree that a dress shirt is better."

"So now that we're down to this option, what color?"

"I think a nice black with a dark blue tie."

"I like the sound of that, Fancy but not to fancy. It also sounds sleek"

"Mhm, now let's go talk to somebody who works here and get you sized"


After trying on many different dress shirts, I finally found a comfortable,sleek,and nice one I liked. Now we were onto the pants.

"Do I have to wear dress pants? Their ichty."

"Again, your wedding day but you can't look to lousy."

"What about black jeans?"

"We can work with that!"

So now we spent another hour finding a good pair of jeans. Seriously why are their so many variations-

"No ash I don't want mom jeans."

"Your ass looks better in mom jeans. They just work with everyone."

My face quickly became a bright red.


"What it's true! Plus Sal would enjoy it im sure"

She winked at me and I hid my face in my hands.

"I swear to god-"

"Your to easy to tease and get flustered man. Come on let's go pay for this stuff and then get some lunch."

"That was the only reason you came huh?"

"I haven't ate all day but no, I totally don't mind helping a friend out."

I rolled my eyes and followed her to the counter.


"I'm back Sal!"

I heard Sal running down the hall and he came into my view soon. He gripped his arms around me and hugged me.


"Hi to you aswell-"

"Come here I wanna show you something"

He gripped my hand and rushed to the study. He sat at the computer and clicked on the photo icon.

"What did you find?"

"I was going through my old computer account and guess what photos I found..."

He clicked on a unlabeled album and a bunch of photos of us popped up. They looked like they were from highschool.

"Oh wow I don't even remember half of these."

"I know right?! There's so many."

"Wait click on that one!"

The photo went full screen and it was us on a Ferris wheel. I remember this, it was our first picture together.


He clicked off the photo and went to a collection of five photos. They were from a photo booth.

In the first image me and Sal were laughing. It looked like we had no idea what we were doing. The second photo was us doing serious faces. The third photo was another laughing one. Fourth photo we had paper cutout mustaches on our faces and the final photo was us kissing.

"I don't remember any of these"

"Me neither, but that's why I'm glad I found this album."

"Wait a minute didn't you say this was your old computer account?"


"So you made a album back in high school about me?"

Realization hit him and he blushed.

"You see- I- well- Uh."

I started laughing but quickly calmed down.


"Am not"

"I'm just kidding I love you"

"I love you to dork"

We continued scrolling through photos when some prom pictures showed up.

"Oh my god we look so different"

"I remember I was trying so hard to impress you."

"Same here, that explains why we all look fancy and somewhat miserable."

"Yeah but I remember we had a fun night. After the prom we all went to wendigo lake and swam at night."

"Oh yeah! That was fun"

"I kinda miss HighSchool, sucked the first two years but junior and senior year was fun."

"It was only fun because we were dating and I'm an amazing person."

"You have a big ego"

"I do and I'm proud of it."

I scoffed softly and continued looking at the photos as he scrolled.

"Oh look that one's from our first day of being done with HighSchool."

"We spent a lot of time at wendigo lake huh"

"That's what it seems like heh"

"By the way whatever happened to you going to nockfell again?"

"Church called and said they had whatever was wrong handled."

"Oh good, im sorry I meant to ask about it sooner."

"Don't sweat it, I totally forgot until you just said something."

"Im just glad we don't have to go back."

"Same, plus we can focus on more important stuff coming up, like for example our wedding."

"Im so excited! Only this week left!"

"And then your stuck with me forever"

"That's fine your bearable, me on the other hand-"

"Don't worry your bearable to."

I kissed the top of his head and the rest of the night we just looked at old photos and talked about old

I was so excited to spend the rest of my life with this dorky bluenette.

——Author Note——

Thank you for being patient as always!

Hope you enjoyed I'll see you in the next chapter!

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