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Travis's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat.

Damn it was all just a dream.

I looked to the other side of the bed and he was gone. Of course he was gone he was fighting for his life in the hospital right now.

Im such a idiot, how didn't I notice sooner. I wish I could go back in time and do something to stop him.

I wish I never left the house that night. To make matter's even worse, now he might not ever find out what actually happened to his dad.

After laying in bed and contemplating what I should do, I finally decided to get up and try to do something productive.

I went to the kitchen and fed gizmo. He didn't really eat though he just layed by his food bowel sadly.

"Awe gizmo i know how you feel."

Slowly I sat on the ground next to him and started petting him.

"He's gonna pull through. I know he will."

Me and gizmo sat by each others side for a while and sulked with eachother. I know he's just a cat but he was all I had right now.

"What do I do gizmo?"


I sighed.

"I wish you could talk."

"Meow meow"

I stood up and decided to clean the house a bit. I started with the kitchen and worked my way to the livingroom. At this point it was already 1:00 in the afternoon.

I sat at the kitchen island and stared at the clock.

"I wish I could go see him, I miss him so much..."

I kept watching as the time ticked. I despise time. It can ruin so much in such little second's. It almost ruined the one thing that I care about the most.

Slowly I made my way to the livingroom and decided to watch a movie. I wasn't really paying attention to it though.

This was the hardest day of my life and I knew it was only gonna get worse. I missed him so much, more than words could describe.

Tears were threatening to spill but I kept my composure.

"Don't cry Travis."

God damn it now I sound like my father and that certainly doesn't make my mood better.

At this point I wasn't even upset anymore I was just frustrated.

*Insert Travis's ringtone here*

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw who the caller ID was.

Of course speak of the devil, my father wonder what he wants this time.


"I heard about your little boyfriend, he's in the nockfell hospital correct?"

"If you called me just to poke fun at a serious situation then your a really messed up piece of shit."

"I did not teach you to treat me this way Travis so you better straighten up."

"I'm gay dad that's not how that work's."

"Ugh anyway's what I called you about was to see if you would come over for dinner and meet my girlfriend."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me boy."

"Mom hasn't even been gone that long and you already moved on?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"If you don't want to come then don't show up, but dinner's tomorrow at 6:30."

"Fine I'll come but I want you to know how fucked up you are for this."

"I don't care."

"Fuck you."

I hung up.

Great this is just fucking fantastic. I can't believe he would move on so quick and even worse I can't believe he could get a girlfriend.

She's probably just like him to.

I hate him, I hate him so fucking much. He never loved me nor my mom and I can see that clearly now. All this time my mom could have left and found a better husband or wife. That was all taken from her though.

I turned off the tv and walked back to my bedroom, gizmo followed.

I plopped onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Maybe here was a appropriate place to cry.

Then my phone rang again.


I looked at the caller ID and it was ash.

"Hey ash"

"Hey Travis you doing ok?"

"No I really miss him already."

"I know me and Larry miss him to. Speaking of Larry, He hasn't been acting like himself. He hasn't ate, he doesn't play video games, Hell he doesn't even wanna smoke weed and get High."

"I would imagine this hit hard for him. They've been friends for a very long time."

"Right but I also imagine it's been hard for you. You and Sal are a inseparable couple and the one time you guys took a break that didn't last long."

"I just wish he came to me or someone so He could have gotten help. I wish i didn't leave the house that night."

"Travis it's not your fault, no one knew Sal would do this. I mean yeah we all knew he had bad depression and mental health but that still doesn't make it anyone's fault."

At this point I started crying, i couldn't hold it in anymore. Ash just sat quietly on the phone and listened as I kept rambling about the situation.

Finally when I calmed down she spoke.

"Im so sorry Travis. I wish we could have done something. I miss Sal to and we can't even see him for another day."

"Thats one of the most horrible parts, we can't even go and visit him yet."

There was silence for a bit.

"I have a idea, tomorrow you can come to our house and we can all just hang out together I'll also invite Todd and Neil."

"I think that's a good idea. I think we all need each other right now."

"Agreed, I'll talk to you later ok Travis?"

"Ok, goodbye ash have a nice evening."

"You to Travis please call if you need anything."

"Will do."



After the call I plugged my phone in and set it aside. This was gonna be a hellish night...

———Author Note———
Hey everyone! Sorry this got out later than I thought but I hope you enjoyed this chapter :]

Thank you all for the love and support!

Please ignore any spelling errors and I'll see you in the next chapter/Update!

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