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Travis's POV

Damn it I ruined my chance. That would have been a perfect spot to ask him.

I'll just wait til we get to the city, maybe there's a special place there.

I continued to stare out the window, the rain started getting harder.

"Sal you sure you wanna drive in this weather?"

"I'll be fine, again thank you though."


"So I was thinking we should go to that restaurant we went to last time we were in the city."

"The one your mom and dad use to go to?"

"Yeah! I think it would be nice to go back on a better occasion you know?"

"Yeah sounds like a nice idea."



I looked down at my phone and saw someone from my fathers church messaged me.



"Something with the ministry."

Hello mr.phelp's, are you free to call?


My phone started going off and I answered then put it on speaker.


"Hello mr.phelp's we have some stuff to discuss about the church."

"what can I help with?"

"We we're doing some deep cleaning and redecoration when we uncovered a cellar, it leads to some underground building. Is it any importance?"

"Oh no I've never seen that there, I'll send a person to seal it up."

"Alright thank you sir"



"That was odd"

"A old cellar?"

"That church is very old, I'm not really surprised there was a old cellar."

"Heh imagine it was some cult temple"

"Pfft yeah that would be hard to believe."

"You never know, nockfell's pretty weird."

"Indeed it is"

"Anyways can you plug in your phone to the Aux?"


I did as sal asked and went to my music app.

"Any request?"

"Whatever it plays first"

I nodded and clicked shuffle playlist.

The song quickly started playing and sal nodded his head along with the beat. (Song at the top)

"I didn't think you were into this type of music."

"Some of the songs on this list are from freshmen year."

"I thought you had strict music access?"

"I did, but that didn't mean I wasn't hiding some."

——3 hours later——

We were at another rest area and this time it was a little park.

Me and Sal went off by ourselves and walked a little bit into the small forest next to the park.

We sat against a tree and sal was laying in my lap while I played with his hair.

"It's getting dark, I hope we won't have to be on the road when it's finally night."

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure there's a motel around here and besides we could just sleep in the car if we don't have those options"

"Mm true"

The forest was peaceful and in the distance you could hear the people at the park.

"Should we head back soon? I don't want them worrying about us."

"Yeah, like I said it's getting late anyways."

Sal got up and put his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and heaved myself up.

Sal stepped away to give me more room but ended up tripping on a stick. I caught him in time and we busted up laughing.

"You dumbass"

We started walking back hand in hand and talking about random stuff.

Suddenly there was a snap of a twig and sal yelped. He quickly hid behind me and used me as a human shield.

I looked around and saw a rabbit looking at us curiously and I could see the broken stick next to it.

The rabbits ears quickly perked up and it hopped off.

"Your alright sal it's just a rabbit."

He perked his head out from behind me and sighed in relief.

"Sorry I didn't mean to get that startled"

"It's fine, it was just a natural reaction."

"How didn't you get scared?"

"I guess random twigs snapping doesn't scare me."

Sal still looked a bit frightened.

"Sal it's alright I promise, if anything did happen I would have protected you."

He nodded and took my hand again. We continued our walk and met back up with the group.

"Where do you two sneak off to?"

"We just went walking through the forest."

"That's fine we just wanted to make sure you we're ok."



Ash went back over to her and Larry's car.

We went to our's and this time I took over driving.

——Author Note——
Hey guy's I'm sorry for the late chapters, some stuff came up this week unfortunately.

Anyway's I know this chapter's short, I'm sorry about that. I lost motivation to continue it to 1,000 words like I usually do but I promise next chapter will be it's full length.

Thank you everyone for your patience and I hope this chapter was decent :]

Remember your very valid and amazing. Please go drink some water or go eat something I promise it'll make you feel better to know your taking care of yourself.

I'll see you in the next chapter <3

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