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All I'm gonna say is No the police officers in this story are not apart of any cult related stuff.

Travis's POV

~one week later~

Sal was out with Larry and I was left at the house with gizmo.

He was sitting on my lap sleeping while I did work at the computer. I suppose I had a decent job but I knew I could be something better.

I only had a couple more minutes before I could go on my lunch break.

"Gizmo can you get off my lap."

He just continued snoring.

*alarm sound*

I stopped my alarm and closed my computer. I rolled the chair back a bit and stared at the ceiling. Gizmo got startled and ran off.

I sighed and stood up.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I looked through the peep door and saw 2 police officers.

I slowly opened the door.

"Hello can I help you?"

"Does Sal fisher live here?"

"Yes but I'm afraid he's not home right now."

"Are you a close relative of Sal fisher?"

"Yes, I'm his boyfriend."

"Can we come inside and Ask you some questions."

"Um yeah come in."

I opened the door more and stood aside. I closed the door behind them and lead them to the dining room table.

I sat across from them and it was a uncomfortable silence.

"How much do you know about the suicide of Henry fisher?"

Alright I can't screw this up.

"Not much all I know is he died. Why do you ask?"

"Well new evidence has been found that makes it seem like suicide was a cover up."

"Oh um this seems to be important should I call my boyfriend to come home?"

"Sure we'll wait."

"Thank you."

I quickly walked to the living room and called Sal."

He answered right away.

"Hey Travis!"

"Hey Sal um I hate to interrupt your day with Larry but the cops are at our apartment and it's pretty important. It's about your dads death."

"Ok tell them I'll be there soon."

"Alright love you."

"Love you to Travis."

I hung up and went back to the dining room.

"He said he'll be on his way, would you guys like some coffee or tea?"

"We're fine."

This was the most awkward situation I've been in.

I nodded.

About 15 minutes passed and the whole time I was just trying to make conversation. Finally the door opened and sal came inside.

Sal walked over to the dining room and sat by me.

"Sal fisher correct?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Well, Henry fishers case has been reopened due to new evidence found."

"May I know what this evidence is?"

"Your fathers phone washed up on the shore and we were able to get the SIM card out of it without any damages made to it. With that being said we were able to find some information that your father was most likely involved with a cult or perhaps maybe just a gang. Though we're still looking into that." (There's your cult lore everyone)"

"So what does that mean?"

"You father may have not committed suicide, It seems like that was a coverup."

"Is there anything we can do to help the investigation?"

"We'll be sending a letter to you and that should explain everything you can do but for now there isn't much else we have."

"Thank you for coming and telling me this information"

"If you have anymore questions just come to the station or call. Also as soon as you have new information that you find by yourself please contact one of our officers."

"Will do, again thank you."

"Have a nice rest of your day men."

I led them out of the door. When they were Gone I sighed and slid down against the door. Sal walked over and sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and he dug his head in my chest.

He silently cried and I just held him tighter. I didn't know what to say right now. This whole time he thought it was his fault his dad was dead.



He looked up at me.

"Why do all these horrible things happen."

"I wish I knew."

I pushed part of his hair out of his face.

"Whatever they uncover, it's not your fault Sal."

"We don't know that, will you just shut up travis!"



"Travis I'm sorry I didn't-"

"It's ok..."

He dropped his head back on my chest and continued sobbing. For the rest of the night I never left his side.

———Author Note———
Hey! :]

I'm sorry for not posting in a while <33

It's a short chapter for a good reason but we'll to get to that later ;]

Idk if that was a plot twist but I was always gonna have that happen ever since I killed off sal's dad.

Anyways hope you enjoyed please vote for the chapter (you don't have to <3)

Thank you for all the love and support :] sorry for any spelling errors!

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