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CW/// Pretty much their gonna be talking a little bit about Travis's trauma but it's not in full detail <3

Sal's POV

To say the least I felt like shit.

I had a high fever and the nausea was coming back. Luckily gizmo was keeping me company while Travis was out. I tried falling back asleep but at this point that was impossible.

Sighing, I grabbed my phone and tried finding something to keep my mind off being sick. A interesting article caught my eye.

———School Lunch meat poisoned?———
Students of nockfell high have been complaining about the foul Oder and disturbing texture of the schools lunch meat (bologna).

70% of students have stated that they have been sent home sick after eating this mysterious school lunch.

The school has been denying accusations of it being poisoned or containing different substances.

Police and official health sources have investigated the meat and tested it. The results came back this morning and it's 100% Healthy and free of poison or other substances.

More of this topic tomorrow.

"Damn I always knew there was something up with that meat. Poor kids."

40-50 minutes later I heard the front door open close. It wasn't long til I could see travis walking down the hall.

"Hey travy."

"Hey Sal, you feeling ok?"

"No sadly the nausea came back."

"Want me to go get you more medicine?"

"No it's not to bad yet."


He walked over to my side of the room and sat on the floor by my legs.

"Hey Travis."


"Remember when you had a EMO phase?"

"It wasn't a emo phase."

"You dressed like a E-boy before."

"That was one time, I'm surprised my dad even let me do that."

"I'm surprised to church boy."

"I mean Atleast I don't wear man buns."

"Well I can't just cut my hair."

"What happened to the pigtails?"

"Travis were like 20 now I can't be wearing pigtails."

"Who says?"



"Oh hey did you hear about our old highschool having bad meat?"

"What do you mean?"

"I read something about how 70% of the students have been getting sick after eating it. They tested it but found nothing in it. I think their lying because when we went there it was absolutely disgusting."

"I thought the bologna was fine, but i guess it was a little weird tasting. Though I wouldn't know I only ate the school lunch because I wasn't fed much."


"God damn Travis your dad was brutal."

"You just now realized that?"

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