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Imma be honest I have no idea how u plan wedding's so bare with me in this chapter

Travis's POV


I quickly ran towards the sound of Sal shouting.



I ran down the hall and opened the door. I saw Sal standing on the bed looking terrified.

"What's wrong?! Are you ok?!"


He pointed at the ground and I saw a small spider just staying still on a piece of paper.

I bust up laughing.


I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. Quickly I went back to the bedroom and placed the cup over the spider. I picked up the paper and used my other hand to balance the cup.

I walked to the fire escape window and let the spider go. It scurried away the opposite direction.

Deciding I should go tell Sal it's safe now I went back to our bedroom.

"The crisis is adverted"

I giggled and walked over to Sal who was still standing on the bed. I held my hand out and he took it.

Carefully he stepped off the bed and hugged me.

"I thought I was gonna die"

"It was just a tiny spider, your alright."

"It could have been venomous"

"It was to small of a spider for that"

"You never know!"

"I do know I love you"

"Ugh that's so gay phelps"

He dramatically fell back on the bed.

"Isn't that the point?"


"Your so dumb fisher."

He stiffened for a moment.

"Oh my god"


He sat up quickly. I kneeled Down to his level and looked at him.

"Are you ok?"

He smirked and kissed me.

"I'm not gonna be Sal fisher soon."

"What do you mean?"

"Doesn't Sal phelps have a ring to it."

Ohh, I totally forgot he would be getting my last name.

"You know what it really does."

He laughed and pulled me into another kiss.

"I can't believe we're gonna be married soon."

"It's exciting isn't it?"

"It really is, we made it a long way."

I nodded.

"We should go do something today, it's better than sitting around and doing nothing."

"Your in luck then because we have a few wedding planning things to attend."


Sal explained that today we're gonna look at venues and decorations.

In all honesty I have no clue how to wedding plan so I'm just listening to whatever Sal says.

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