681 15 15

Tw///mention of Henry's death

Sal's POV

"Sal fisher?"

"Yes that me, can I help you?"

"We're here to update you about the investigation of Henry fisher."

"Oh please come in"

I led the officers into the apartment and towards the couches.I sat across the way from them and waited for one to speak.

"We can finally put your fathers case to rest. Turns out he had some loans he never repayed and that caused the gang he was associated with to murder him. His supposed suicide was a coverup."

"Did you guys arrest the murderer?"

"Yes and his whole group. We promise you and your family will be safe."

"Thank you so much officers. Is there anything else I should know?"

"Not from what we know of but like always if something else comes up in the future we'll be sure to contact you."

"Alright, thank you again."


They got up and left. I sat and pondered on my thoughts.

"Dear god dad what the fuck did you do."

I buried my face into my hands and just groaned. Yeah it's been 2-3 years since his death but this new information was still alot to process.

I texted Larry and Travis that they closed my fathers case and left my phone on the coffee table. I walked to the kitchen and sat at the island.

I'm glad they finally solved the case but I wasn't expecting it to be a murder. All this time I really thought he just gave up on me and that was that.

In a way I'm relieved it isn't that but still it's unfortunate I'll never see him again. That's the sad part about this. Yes his case is closed but that doesn't change anything that happened.

Gizmo jumped onto the countertop and meowed at me.

"Hey buddy"

I pet him and he purred.

"Atleast I still have you"


I smiled.

I wondered what goes through gizmo's mind. It wasn't just me who lost dad.

"I'm sorry you almost lost me."


Gizmos ears went up and I looked at him confused.

"What is it?"

He quickly ran off.

That's odd he never acted like that.

I shrugged it off and got up from my seat. I walked to my room and laid down. I figured I should just take a nap. It's been a long day. I finally let sleep overtake my body.



I blinked multiple times trying to wake up.


Finally I opened my eyes fully and sat up.

"Hey, sorry I would have let you sleep longer but I think you were passed out for 3 hours already"

"No it's alright, what's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong, I just got back home like a hour ago and I was gonna wake you up sooner but I figured you needed the rest."

"What time is it?"

"Like 2:30"

"Damn it feels later than that for some reason"

He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"You can keep resting if you want, I'll be in the study finishing some extra paperwork I need to turn in by tonight."

"Okay, love you"

"Love you to"

With that he walked out of the room.

Seconds later gizmo walked in and jumped onto my bed. He cuddled up in my lap.

"Hey lil guy"

I petted him and kissed his head.

"Your a good cat ya know that"


"Man I thought we were having a moment."

Eventually I got up from bed and went to The study.
I usually would just walk in, sit in a corner, and talk to Travis while he works. Honestly I liked this little routine thing. Meant I didn't always have to be alone in the apartment.

"So what kind of papers do you have to get done?"

"2 of them are reports for the week and the other one is just someone's application. I have to write to our main boss and see if this person is suitable and stuff like that"

"Ugh that sounds boring"

"It most definitely is but I'm actually almost done with this 3rd paper and then I don't have anything else to file for the rest of the week."

"That's good, by the way they moved my interview to Friday so we'll see then if I get the job"

"Oh okay. Random change of subject but I saw they closed your dads case. Wanna talk about it?"

"It was a murder. They have the people in custody though."

"Oh Sal I'm so sorry, that's even worse."

"It's alright I've come to peace with his death and I'm just glad I finally know the real story."

He stood up from his desk and hugged me.

"Still it's a unfortunate situation."

I hugged him back and we sat in silence for a moment.

"When are you going back to nockfell?"

"Probably this weekend. You wanna come with me?"

"Yeah I thought about it and I really don't want you being alone travis. Who knows what they want."

"I know"

"I just don't want something happening to you."

"I promise I'll be fine but I'd feel better with you coming along."

"Then it's settled, we'll go Saturday and hopefully leave by Sunday."

"So only 2 days from now?"


I let go of the embrace and looked him in the eyes.

"Are we sure we wanna go back?"

"I don't think we have a choice, besides I promise it will just be a quick trip. They seem to just wanna talk about some ministry stuff. Then we can come home and leave nockfell behind."

"Alright your right."

"Don't be nervous. Nothing bad will happen to us."

"I know I just don't like nockfell. So much bad shit happened there and I just wanna forget it all."

"I'm sorry I wish we didn't have to go"

"It's fine im just overthinking this."

"No matter what we'll be by eachothers side during this trip. I really don't think anything will happen to us"

"Your right. Thank you travis"

"Anytime Sal"

——Author Note——

Surprise another chapter, this was the one I was originally working on 😼

Hope you enjoyed see you in the next one!

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