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Travis's POV

The next morning was worse than yesterday.

I just couldn't get out of bed, it almost felt as if my soul accepted my fate here.

I knew I had to be productive again but I just missed him so much. It hurt's me so much that I didn't know what he was fighting inside his head and that I couldn't stop it or save him.

I know he's not dead but he came so close to it and that scare's me.

I stared at the ceiling. I have never felt this alone, not even when I was younger. Atleast when I was younger I had my mom.

Mom...I wish she was here. She would know what to do and I wouldn't have to go through this alone.

Everything was just so horrible right now. I just wish it could go back to how it use to be.

Suddenly my phone went off and I looked at the screen.

There were two reminders, first one was "Go see ash and Larry today" the next one said "Dinner tonight at dad's".

Oh fuck I forgot about both those thing's. I mean I was for sure going to see ash and Larry but I didn't know if I should go see my father tonight. It felt wrong that he moved on so early. If he really did love my mother like he claimed then he wouldn't have moved on this quick.

Clearly this just proved more of the point that he's a selfish bastard.

finally after battling with myself about it all day, I got up and took a shower.

After my shower I felt more refreshed and felt like I could properly think again.

I looked at the time and it was now 11:30.

I had some time to kill but I also didn't wanna do anything but sulk around.

That's when I got a text from ash

———————————Ash 🎨————————————

Hey Travis, still coming over? :)

Yeah. What time?

Does 12:30 sound alright?

Yeah that's perfect.

Awesome! Also Todd and Neil are also coming over aswell.

Oh cool :)

Alright I'll talk to you later Travis. Let me know when your on your way.

Will do. Bye ash

I fell backwards on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Thing's just do not get better for anyone who live's in nockfell. Seriously it's like there's some curse or something along those line's.

That's when something came to mind. maybe there is something going on in this town. Maybe it could have had something to do with the death of Henry.

Or maybe I'm just a bad over thinker...

Then I remembered the box I found at the cliff. Perhaps that gave some clue's. With everything that happened I wasn't able to look.

I went over to the closet and got the box out.

I sat on the bed and carefully opened the box. There were a lot of letter's,photo's, and random items.

I took out the letters and read the first one, it said:

"My dearest Diane,
It's hard being a single father in a big city so I have decided to move our son somewhere quieter and smaller.

The town is called nockfell. It seem's like a perfect fresh start that we both need.

Oh how I wish you were still with us. You would have loved it there. Hopefully Im making the right decision.


I searched the box for a more recent date. Finally I found a letter from around the time he died.

"I can't keep going at this any longer, It's not safe here and I made a huge mistake with moving Sal here.

I'm to late though, if I move again they'll just keep searching until they find us.

The only other option I have is to kill myself. Yes it will hurt everyone I know but it's the only way I can protect my son.

Oh Sal how I wish you knew about all of this but atlas if I say anything it will just cause you more trouble.

I hate leaving you Sal but I know Lisa and Larry will care for you. I will admit I do fancy Lisa, she's an amazing women and a even better mother.

Well, To whoever find's this letter I'm sorry it ended this way.


Holy shit.

So sal's father was running from someone, but who? He never seemed to be the type to make enemies.

Actually I did have someone in mind. The church, to be more specific my father's church.

Every time Sal or Henry would pass by my father or others would stare with pure Venom and hatred. They said it was because they were both sinner's. Whatever that meant...

So maybe my father had something to do with Henry's death. Doesn't make alot of sense but then again nothing that happens here in nockfell makes sense.

This was such a odd and disturbing situation. Maybe I should just bring the box over to ash and Larry's, maybe they could help me figure out what happened.

So that's what I did.

At 12:20 I left to go to their house.

———Author Note———
Alright alright I know this is short and I'm sorry but the next chapter is already a work in progress.

Also no this has nothing to do with the cult because like I stated before I don't wanna add that to this story.

Thanks for reading <3

Also thank you all for the love and support! Please ignore any spelling errors or grammar mistakes

See you in the next chapter :]

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