50. The wedding

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Tw//Mention of blood (only in this first scene)

Sal's POV

Not a sound was heard, only the rustling of the crisp summer breeze. The tree's swayed in a rhythmic dance.


I looked over by a large willow tree. Everyone was there, sitting and waiting for me.

I slowly made my way towards the tree, but as I stepped closer everyone's face seemed to get blurry. I was confused but continued on my way.






Nothing, at this point even the breeze stopped. It was like the world froze.

I started running towards them only to find them lifeless and fake. Suddenly everything turned red and bloody.

It was like a crime scene.

I started running away from the tree, quickly dodging any obstacles in my way. There wasn't exactly anything I was running from, I just felt the urge that I had to keep going.

I suddenly tripped over a branch and went flying into the grassy patch. I slowly tried sitting up but something kept me weighted down.

Then out of nowhere I was in water, it felt as if I were chained to a metal ball that was slowly sinking me.

I tried screaming for help but it did nothing. I felt hopeless and scared. I didn't know what to do.







"Sal wake up!"

I quickly opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. Ash was in front of me, she looked confused.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh oh yeah why wouldn't I be?"

She sighed

"You didn't get much sleep last night, did you?"

"I- well you see-....no, no I didn't."

She sighed again.

"Sal I told you that you needed as much rest as possible, you don't want to fall asleep at the alter do you?"

I rolled my eye.


"I swear what am I going to do with you."

"What are you my mother?"

"No but at this point it feels like it."

I started laughing but she shot me a glare and I quickly became quiet.

"Now let's get your hair done."

"As long as you don't burn my hair off."

"Have you never used a straightener?"

"Well you see back in highschool I tried not to be gay-"

"Not that kind of straightener!"

"I know I know I'm just messing with you, and no I never had to. My hair was naturally straight....unlike me."

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