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Travis's POV

When I was driving it started to rain.

I tried slowing down a bit so I didn't get in a car accident. I also noticed I was quite anxious.

There was a bad feeling in my stomach. Something felt off.

Finally I arrived at the house and ash came over to my car with a umbrella.

"Hey travis"

"Hey ash"

"Sorry you had to drive in the rain"

"Don't worry about it. Luckily it's not a far drive."

She nodded and we walked inside the apartment building, as we walked I noticed ash seemed off.

"Everything ok?"

"I don't know I just have this odd feeling today. Larry said the same thing."

"Huh that is odd, actually I've started to feel like that earlier."

"Ok wait that's actually really weird that we all have a bad feeling. Do you think it means something?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hm...Well anyways I wanted to ask you, what's up with the box your holding?"

I look at the box I carried on my side. I totally forgot.

"I'll tell you when we're with Larry and everyone else."

She nodded and finally the elevator singled that we were at the basement.

We walked in and Larry and Todd were having a quiet conversation while it looked like Neil was in the kitchen.

Larry noticed we walked in and smiled.

Me and ash made our way over to the couch and I sat by Todd while she went over by Larry.

"Hey Travis how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright I guess. Just feel weird being home alone now.."

"Yeah I can understand that."

"Well anyways we're waiting for maple and chug but while we do wait does anyone want some coffee or tea?"

"No I'm alright."

Todd shook his head no.

I looked over at Todd. He didn't speak at all yet.

"Todd are you alright?"

"I still can't process what happened. It seems so unreal."

I have him a comforting smile and spoke,

"I know what you mean. I feel the same way, but don't worry it's gonna be okay. We're all gonna be here to support eachother."

He looked at me and smiled.

There was a knock at the door and Larry went to go answer it. Neil walked out of the kitchen and sat by Todd. Todd instantly cuddled up to neil's side and rested on his shoulder.

I looked over by ash and she was staring at the ground. She seemed bothered but I don't blame her. To be honest all of us were so on edge.

Finally Larry walked back over to us with maple and chug following behind.

They all sat down and it was silent for a few seconds. Seemed like everyone was trying to think of what to say first.

"Um well I guess we can begin with what even happened."

Larry looked over at me and everyone followed his gaze.

"Travis did Sal ever mention hurting himself?"

I stay quiet for a minute and tried thinking back to our conversation's but nothing came to mind.

"No I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize we're just trying to form a timeline or anything that could lead us to why he did it."

I nodded and Larry looked at the ceiling. I could tell he was frustrated and upset.

"Oh wait I did wanna bring this up..."

I scooped the box into my arms and carefully opened the lid.

"I found this at the beach where they found sal's dad and it turns out it was Henry's but I gotta warn you guys there's some pretty messed up shit in here."

Larry carefully removed the box form my grip and started reading the letters I had recently read.

"Holy shit does Sal know about this?"

"I'm afraid not, the day I found it was when Sal tried committing..."

Larry nodded and continued looking through the box.

Todd and Neil kept a gaze on Larry whilst chug and maple looked a little scared and ash was exchanging glances between everyone.

"Travis keep a hold onto this box. This could be helpful with the investigation and plus it has some stuff that Henry wanted to give sal."

"I know, i promise I'll put this somewhere safe until further notice."

"So besides that was there anything else you found at that beach?"

"Well I did see Henry's ghost."


Chug was terrified at this point and maple was trying to calm him down.

"Yeah but all he said was directions to the location of the box and that's pretty much it."

"Maybe we could try and go back to see if there's any more information."

"We could try that."

"Alright tomorrow me,Travis,ash, and Todd will go to the beach and see if we can talk to Henry."

We nodded in agreement.

The conversation started to lighten up and it seemed like everyone was feeling better about the current situation.

I still had a bad feeling though, it was so annoying that I just listened to it and my mind kept going back to I should call the hospital.

So finally I caved in and excused myself from the room for a minute.

"Hello this is nockfell hospital how may I be of service?"

"Hello my boyfriend is currently staying there as a patient and I was wondering if I could get any update's?"

"Of course, do you know the patient's name?"

"Sal fisher"

"Oh ok I found him. Well seems to be like he's in good condition as far as we know but- wait hold on the information just changed, say's that he's going into surgery right now as we speak."

"Oh ok thank you so much."

"Of course hun."

Quickly I threw my phone into my pocket and went back inside to tell everyone.

Once I said what was happening we all rushed into car's and raced over to the hospital...

———Author Note———
Hey everyone thank you so much for being patient ^^

Hope you enjoyed as always and thank you for the love and support <3

Also I added some stuff onto my wattpad profile if you wanna go check that out :D

See you in the next chapter!

Also ignore any grammar error's

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