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*Ahem* so before this starts I just wanna say that I looked up where nockfell is most likely located and peoples theories were that it's located in Minnesota so im gonna go along with that HC (headcannon)
Also this chapter is talking about their highschool years and I just wanna mention I forgot what year Sal started school at nockfell so let's just say it was freshmen year.

Travis's POV

It was finally the day we left nockfell. We were finishing up by putting a couple boxes in the car.

"Gizmo I know you hate the crate but it's just until we get in the car"


"Woahhhh calm down- god damn."

"Having troubles?"

"Nope no problems at all."



"Ok then, anyways this is the last box."


"Something wrong?"

Sal glanced back at the apartment.

"I guess it just hit me that we're actually leaving."

I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Its alright to be emotional about something like this."


"Let's go start our new life."

He released from the hug and picked up gizmo's crate and put it in the backseat. I got in the car and started it up. He got in the car aswell and we made our way to Addison apartment's.

"So I found out how long the drives gonna be"

"How long?"

"21 hour's, so basically a day."

"Well that just gives us more time with each other"

"Good point."

"Do you wanna switch off with driving?"

"Yeah we can do that once I get tired but I think I'll be able to drive for about 8 hour's before that happens."

"Thats fine with me but I will probably have to switch after 3 hours. I get bored easily."

"That works out perfectly actually."

"So what's the plan once we get there?"

"Me and Larry were able to get three rooms At a hotel in the city and we'll be staying there for about 3 day's."

"Ooh sounds cool."

"Yeah, also luckily Larry is actually good at math because I would have no clue how much this whole moving trip was gonna cost."

"You don't know how to do math?"

"I'm not amazing at it."

"I'm pretty good at math." (Couldn't be me-)

"I know I was in your math class"

"Weren't we in like 3 classes together?"

"No it was 4"

"Which ones?"

"Math with mrs.packerson,english,history,and science."

"Oh yeah! I remember that one time in science when you exploded slime on my face."

"I forgot about that actually."

"Yeah we were lab partners and you insisted we finish the project soon so you didn't have to be near me long and then you rushed and well let's just say it's not easy to clean slime off a prosthetic."

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