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I keep forgetting about my books 🧍🏻‍♀️ don't worry I would never abandon this series.

Sal's POV

Larry and ash went home. Travis never came back to the conversation so I went to check on him.

I slowly walked down the hallway like I was in some sort of horror film.

I heard silent sobs through the thin door. I softly knocked.

There was shuffling and then the clicking of the door opening.

Travis looked tired and his eyes were red and puffy. I hugged him.

I let go and lead him into our room. We sat on the bed and I held his hand in mine.

"What happened travis?"

He handed me a envelope and I scanned through the letter.

"Travis, she was so proud of you..."

"I don't know why, I haven't done anything useful...hell I didn't even know she was on her death bed."

"Travis dear, don't blame yourself and you have done amazing things! Look where you are now. You stopped your aggressive ways and became the man you thought you never would because you were scared to change and accept certain things but you did it."

He looked at me and smiled.

"What would I do without you Sal?"

"You'd probably be in a cult."

"Pfft yeah right."

We laughed and ended up going to the living room to watch a movie.


We were halfway through the movie and I was cuddled up by Travis. I was slowly dozing off on his shoulder.

He seemed to notice and wrapped his arm around me. He rubbed his hand up and down my arm. The last thing I remembered was seeing him smile down at me and then I passed out.

Travis's POV

I quietly got up and carried Sal bridal style to our bedroom.

This was the first time I'd seen him sleep this good in a long time.

I sat in bed next to him so he wouldn't be scared when he woke up.

I started thinking again. I hate being alone with my thoughts but sometimes they weren't bad.

My mom left me $50,000 in her will. Though the will wasn't what I cared about, it was the letter.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was she really proud of me? Was she really okay that I was with Sal? Was she lying like dad?

I sighed and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face.

I looked in the mirror. Some of the cuts on my face were gone but I had a medium sized bruise on the left side of my face.

It was just like I was a kid again...

Only this time I had someone helping me. This time I have someone who actually loves and cares about me.

Me and Sal have been through some things the last couple of years, but Through it all we never left each others side.

I believe at one point we went on a small break from eachother so Sal could grieve.

Other than that we've had a smooth relationship. Honestly I couldn't have asked for someone better.

He's even comfortable enough that he doesn't really wear his prosthetic around the house.

I felt bad though. He told me the story about how his mom passed and how he even got the prosthetic in the first place.

I wish I could go back in time and fix the bullying earlier on in life. Sal never deserved the way I treated him, but I mean if I never bullied him we wouldn't be where we are today.

I walked back to our room and Sal was still peacefully asleep.

Deciding to make him lunch for when he woke up, I went to the kitchen.

Fun fact, We never bought bologna after he told me what was in the schools bologna. I ended up throwing up and him laughing at me.

I smiled at the memory and made Sal a grilled cheese sandwhich.

15 minutes later a sleepy Sal came walking down the hall. He was rubbing his eye tiredly.

"Afternoon Blue boy."


He yawned at sat at the kitchen island. I slid the plate with his lunch over to him.

"Aw thank you."

"No problem, How did you sleep?"

"Really well for some reason."

"Good I'm glad."

We made small talk while I did some dishes from earlier.

———Author note———

Be freed of angst :]

Next chapter I'm screwing you guys over hehe

(I'm kidding)

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