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Sal's POV

It was the day before the wedding and to be completely honest I was nervous.

Of course I was excited at the same time but I was feeling more on the nervous side.



I looked over at Travis and he looked confused.

"You okay? I've been saying your name for the past five minutes."

"Oh yeah I'm fine, just spacing out."

"Your nervous aren't you?"

"How did you-"

"Sal I can tell because your fidgeting with your hair."

I looked and saw that I was indeed fidgeting with my hair. I had a small piece of it strung around my finger.

"Maybe I just wanted to curl my hair with my finger."

"Yup totally just that."

I rolled my eye and stared at the floor.

"We should go do something today"

I looked over at him again.

"Like what?"

He thought for a moment.

"Ooh I have a good idea! Go get dressed!"

"Are you gonna tell me?"


I shrugged and did as I was told.


We were driving for what felt like forever. I was curious as to what he had planned.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise"

"Oh god your going to murder me aren't you?"

"Oh no how did you EVER guess my evil plan, what will I ever do now that you uncovered it?"

"This goes to show how you need to be more secretive."

He laughed and focused back to the road.

I looked out the window and noticed we were now in a forest area. With the sun slowly setting between the trees it was a beautiful sight.


After some time we finally came to a stop. When we got out the car I noticed we were parked on a small hill. Below the hill was a big open flower field.

The sky lit with beautiful streaks of pink and orange.

"This place is so beautiful, how did you know about it?"

"I found it one day when I was just driving around."

He went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He grabbed a blanket and closed the trunk.


We walked to the bottom of the hill and laid the blanket down. By this time the sun had finally set and the stars were starting to show.

We laid down and stared at the endless sky.

"Ohh now I get what we're doing"


We both giggled and a comfortable silence followed.

As the sky became littered with stars, I was in awe. Without the city lights around, you could see about a billion stars.

"Hey Travis?"


"I know you use to be a Christian but where do you really believe we go when we pass on?"

He was quiet for a bit.

"I don't know really to be honest. I've always just known of heaven and hell. Why?"

"I was just thinking of different solutions. I always thought when we died we became apart of the star's."

"Hm, I like that idea actually. It's comforting."

"I thought so to."

The rest of the evening we spent talking about all kinds of stuff. It never was a certain subject, just whatever came to mind.


We got home around midnight and immediately went to our bedroom and laid down.

"I really liked stargazing, I've never thought to do that."

"I use to do it back in nockfell, when my father and mother were asleep I would sneak onto the roof and stay out there for hours."


"I've just always liked the night. It's peaceful and I could always finally think."

"I've never put in that perspective before."

He smiled.

"It's easier to deal with things when you find a reason or perspective."

"What do you mean?"

"Well we both know my dad was shitty, I didn't have much escapes because he would monitor me a lot. Made it harder to be myself or just do things I actually enjoyed doing."

There was a pause.

"So when I did get freedom, I would find new things I could do to feel better about my situation. I always made sure I didn't take my time for granted, even if I hated or loved what was happening."

I didn't know how to respond, I know I wanted to though. If I could, I would say a million words to tell him how much that advice meant.

"That's a really good way to think about it. I appreciate you telling me actually."

"Don't get all sappy with me about it, it's stupid."

He nervously laughed.

"I'm serious Travis, and it's not stupid. That's a really good mindset to have."

"You really think so?"


"Well then, I appreciate that fisher."

"Good, you should."

We bursted up laughing. When we calmed down I really thought about what Travis said.

I never really had a good mindset, like ever. So hearing how people took tough situations and made it into something good would always admire me.

"I can't wait to call you my husband starting tomorrow."

Travis smirked

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Your a great person that's why."

"Why if you keep complimenting me I believe my ego will be to big for you to handle."

"Maybe that's a good thing."

He laughed

"I don't think it is."

"Whatever you say"

I smiled to myself.

Tomorrow is going to be an amazing day.

——Author Note——

Hey everybody!

So with the past 3 weeks I've been going through a lot so im very sorry for the no updates!

Thank you all for being patient I really appreciate it.

Also next chapter will officially be the ending of the book :,] it's been a wild ride and I appreciate all of you for supporting my writing!

Stay safe and take care!

See you in the next chapter!

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