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Travis's POV

We rushed to the hospital. Todd and Neil were with me in my car.

They weren't really saying much but I understand I mean I wasn't talking either, I was focused on getting to the hospital.

Finally we reached the hospital and as soon as I parked I got out and ran inside.

"Hello sir! Looking f-"

"Sal im looking for Sal fisher please just tell me where he is and is he ok?!"

"Calm down sweetie let me take a look."

I was shaking and trying to calm myself but I couldn't. All I could focus on was him.

"Alright looks like he just got out of a emergency surgery, you can go see him."

"Thank you."

"Do you know the room number?"


She nodded and continued to her work.

I raced to the elevator. Thankfully it was just about to close when I got there but I got in just in time.

I know it's wrong that I left everyone else outside but I had to get to him. I don't know how much time I had left..

When it reached the right floor I quickly got out and headed for his room.

When I opened the door I saw a doctor and nurse taking notes.

The doctor looked over at me with a sorrowful look.

"Hello, do you know this young man?"

"Y-Yes I'm his boyfriend travis phelps is he ok?!"

"He's stable but I don't think he has much time left. Earlier he woke up but right as he did, his heart started failing and he passed out then his pulse was lost." ((Tbh I have no idea if this is real but just go along with it))

"Wait he doesn't have much time left?"

"It's hard to confirm right at this moment but we're pretty sure."

My heart completely shattered.

"T-Thank you s-sir."

He nodded and left the room, the nurse followed behind.

I walked over to sal's bedside.

He looked so peaceful but I knew the true horrors of the situation.

His hair was messily hanging loose on his shoulder's and his breathing was uneven. I looked to the bedside table and saw a pot of roses and his prosthetic.

I sat by his side and held his hand.

"I love you so much...I'm sorry I didn't notice the signs earlier and I wish I could have helped you."

I let go of his hand and stood up.

I went to leave and right as I opened the door ash and the others looked like they were about to come in.

"Travis is he ok?!"

"They don't know if he's gonna make it any longer..."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that he doesn't have much time left."

"Can they do anything to save him?"

"I don't know Larry, they said themselves their confused of his condition."


"Larry dear please calm-"


Larry stormed back to the elevator and ash followed behind.

"Larry has a point..."


"This town is nothing but sadness and despair."

"Todd's right aswell, I mean it's also not very accepting of people..."

"What if we all leave?"

"I wish we could but where would we go?"

"I don't know yet but everyone's right, nockfell isn't a good place to call home and settle down at."

"So after Sal gets out of the hospital the plan is we leave?..."

"Yeah and while he's here, we'll start planning."

"But you heard what the doctor said there's a small chance he'll survive."

"I know but we know Sal, im sure he'll pull through..."

"Travis I'm gonna try and say this in the best way possible but you might have to start accepting reality. I know you love him but your gonna have to say goodbye."


How could I ever say goodbye to the love of my life? I've already had to say goodbye to other people I love. I can't do it again especially in this short span of time.



"I don't have to accept it yet because we're not even sure it's gonna happen so until then I'm gonna stay by his side."

"Fine you do that, me and Neil will be here to support you but travis you should trust me on this."

"I'm not giving up on him. I promised him I'd be here no matter what."

"Sometime's you have to break promise's because you can't alway's pull through with them."

I tried processing what he said but I was to upset and tired.

"Come on let's just go home.."

Todd sighed and started heading towards the elevator with Neil.

I walked back over to Sal and kissed his forehead.

"I love you and I always will and I swear I will help you as much as I can. Please just try and pull through."

I quickly left and headed towards the elevator. It was a silent and awkward trip back to the lobby.

When we reached the 1st floor we walked back to the parking lot and got in the car. I felt my phone vibrate and read the new message.

                                          Ash 🎨
Sorry about Larry. We went back home so we didn't cause a disturbance.

It's ok ash, dw abt it.

Finally after a long awkward drive I dropped off Neil and Todd and was able to go home.

When I walked in gizmo immediately came over to greet me.

"Hey giz"


I giggled and went over to the kitchen to feed him.

———Author Note———
Hey guys thanks for being patient ^^ I appreciate it

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one :]

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