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(Fluff chapter <3)

ALSO this is the original story I just changed the cover <3

Sal's POV

It was a week later and things were being pretty peaceful. Though tomorrow was Travis's mom's funeral.

I tried taking his mind off it, but it didn't do much good. I know he's allowed to be upset but it's hurts me to see him going through something so sorrowful.

Currently I was sitting against the headboard with my knees to my chest. Travis had gone out to get some final preparations done.

I offered to go and give him support but he didn't want me to have a upset mood but I really think it's because his dad was there. Damn I wish I could kill that motherfucker.

He's done so much to Travis and his mother. I still think about his lame ass apology from the hospital. He can go fuck himself.

I was just playing nice for Travis. Though deep down I was so close to beating that prick.

Sighing, I head out of the room to the bathroom. I take off my prosthetic and wash my face with cold water.

One thing I hate about having half of my jaw missing is that liquids go everyone. I groan and dry my face. I put my prosthetic back on and decide to call Todd.

-ring- -ring-

Finally he answered.

"Hey Sal!"

"Hey Todd, haven't spoken to you in a while. What have you been up to?"

"Nothing much to be precise though I did create a new invention."

"What does this one do?"

"Well you see..."

——time skip——

It was about a hour later and Todd had to go. Damn i really get lost into conversation's with him.

I put my phone on the charger and decide to go on a walk. Travis should be back in about 30 minutes so I have time.

I grabbed my coat and ear muffs.

"Bye gizmo!"


I shut the door and lock it.

Snow was gently falling and crunching under my feet as I walked.

I do have to admit, it was pretty when it snowed in nockfell. Though the roads were never salted so it was dangerous.

"Aren't all pretty things dangerous..."

I shoved my hands in my pockets and looked up at the sky.

A worn out white color covered the sky. To most it was ugly but to me it was peaceful. There's so many clear days that seeing blue sometimes gets boring, I mean sky blue not the color of my hair.

I focused back on my feet humming softly to myself. (The song he's humming is at the top)

It was about 15 minutes later and I was heading back home. I saw Travis's car in the parking space and quickly rushed upstairs to our apartment.

I opened the door and saw Travis crouching over gizmo petting him.

I hugged him and he fell over with a oof.

"Hey Doofus, how'd it go?"

"Hey Sal, It went good. Also can you get off me please."

I rolled off him and started giggling. Travis got up and dusted himself off. He offered a hand to me and helped me up.

"Where did you go. Your hair is covered with snowflakes."

"I went on a walk!"

He dramatically gasped and put a hand to his heart.

"And you left poor gizmo all alone to defend for himself!"

"Oh come on he's fine"


We both looked down at him and laughed.

"Gizmo go watch TV or something."


He strutted away.

"So Sal I was wondering, do you maybe want to go somewhere tonight. Just to get our minds off of tomorrow?"

"Of course! If it will make you feel better."

"Being with you always makes me feel better."

I sighed lovingly and smiled under my prosthetic.

"I love you travy."

"Love you to sally face."

"Heh, alright well what do you wanna do tonight?"

"Hm maybe go to the movies and then dinner?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright well I'm gonna go find more warmer clothes."

"Okay I'll be here."

Travis disappeared into the hallway.

I went to the living room and sat by gizmo.

"Hey gizzy."


"Love is so weird."


"Well of course you wouldn't know cat."

"Meow meow"

"Fuck off!"



"Did you just tell the cat to fuck off?"

Travis appeared from the corner of the enterace to the living room.

"Well he deserved it."

"Sal- he's a cat."

"He's a bitchy cat."


"Shut up orange idiot."

"Ok- I think this apartment is making you go crazy. Let's go before you start talking to the toaster."

"Are you seriously siding with my cat?"

"Sal I'm not siding with anyone."

He walked away and on my way out I flipped off gizmo.

"Come on sal!"

I speed ran to the door. (Du du du du)




Travis wrapper his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the car.

———Author note———

I decided to give you guys another fluff chapter because next chapter with be angst.

Love you guys and thank you so much for the love and support! 🐸💙

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