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Travis's POV

It's been a week now. Larry and I have been starting the moving process, along with ash,Todd,and Neil.

Sal was suppose to get released next week on Friday. They said he's been doing good and healing faster than they thought he would.

I was in the livingroom packing our stuff. Me and Larry already moved the main furniture of the livingroom and kitchen into a U-haul. I took apart the shelves and was just packing the books and random nic nacks that were left.

I moved onto the photos on the wall. I separated sal's photos, My photos, and the ones we took with eachother.

One of the photo's was a picture with me,my mother,and father. I remember when we took it. My father had slapped me five minutes beforehand.

I hate him. I know I've expressed it before but I really do hate him. He did despicable acts to many people I love.

Turn's out his new girlfriend was a lady who also worked at the church. I guess she was part of the choir. I'm not surprised if he was having a affair, he did stay at the church pretty late sometimes.

I went to put it in a box when something fell from the back. It was a Polaroid picture of a women and man. They were seated on a Ferris wheel like that one photo of me and Sal. That's weird. I turned it around. There was a note written.

I'm so happy I met you and I can't wait to give birth to our beautiful boy. I love you."


I looked back at the Polaroid. She must have been atleast 18 in this. She looked so happy next to my father.

I looked over at my father and he had his arm wrapped around her and a small smile. Not a genuine one though.

I put both photos in a box and carried on with packing up.

———Time Skip———
Finally around 12:30 I finished boxing up stuff from the kitchen and livingroom.

I checked my phone and I had some missed messages and calls. One was from the church. I debated against calling back but I decided to just get it over with.


"Hello, this is the phelps ministry. Is travis there?"

"Yes that's me."

"Ah perfect. First off, we're sorry to hear about the loss of your father. He was a amazing and brilliant man."

How ironic...

"Now onto business, because your father owned the ministry you get to decide whether you wish to continue running it or shut it down. We'll provide the paper needed for both decisions and you will just need to drop it off at the church. Good day mr.phelps"

"Oh thank you."


Well that wasn't a long conversation nor did I even get to talk but I mean I'm cool with that.

I went to my bedroom and plopped onto the bed. I stared at the ceiling and started drifting off to sleep.

———The next Day———

I woke up to gizmo licking my face again.

"Seriously again?!"

I shoved him off me carefully and stood up. I went to the bathroom and quickly took a shower.I then proceeded to get dressed in black dress pants and a purple button down.

Why did I dress somewhat fancy? I have no clue.

I grabbed my phone and keys and headed outside to my car.

"Bye gizmo!"

I shut the door and locked it. I speed walked to the car and quickly got in and went to the hospital.

Like usual I checked in and headed to sal's room. He was sitting up reading a book.

I walked in and closed the door gently behind me.

"Hey Sal"


He closed his book and put it by him. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Way better. I'm excited to go home soon."

"Mhm. Yesterday I finished packing the living room and kitchen."

"Awesome. What else is there?"

"Our bedroom,bathroom,and like two hallway closets. Plus all the photos in the hallway."

"Oh that's not to bad, do you wanna wait til I get discharged to do our bedroom?"

"I would but I want you to rest as much as possible when you get back seeing as we're leaving only 5 days after your discharged."


Sal looked a little upset.

"I know you wanna help and stuff and I appreciate it but I really just want you to take it easy."

"Alright fine."

It was silent for a few minutes.


"Yes Sal?"

"I don't care if this sounds cringey but can you please come lay next to me."

"Of course."

Sal laid down and scooted over. I laid behind him and spooned him.

"I miss being in the same bed as you."

"I miss you to but it's only one more week."

"It's gonna go by so slow."

"I doubt it."

It was silent again but I noticed sal was getting sleepy.

"Do you want me to stay?"


I noticed sal's breathing started to slow down and I could tell he was falling asleep.

"I love you."

"I..love you..to"

I heard faint snores and knew he was finally asleep. I debated on leaving but ended up caving in and falling asleep aswell.

———Author Note———
I'm back!

I'm so sorry for the long wait it's been a busy month

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you guys in the next one <3

Thank you for the love and support!

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