35. (Smut)

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Travis's POV

Honestly I forgot how long we've been on the road today but luckily we found a hotel on the side of the road.

We would be there in about 15 minutes.

"What time is it babe?"

Sal grabbed his phone from the dash board.

"8:30 pm"

"Damn it feels later than that."

"Tell me about it."

"Are you tired?"

"Not really that nap earlier gave me a lot of energy. It just feels like it's late."

"Im not really tired either to be honest, if it was just us two I would keep driving."

"how is this not boring for you?"

"I guess I just zone out and not think about it"

"I'm surprised you haven't crashed us yet."

"I'm a very good driver, hell I could probably be blind folded and still be able to navigate where I was going."



Sal shrugged.

I heard a buzz and Sal looked at his phone again.

"Ash texted me and said she was able to get us three rooms, we should be there pretty soon."

—Couple minutes later—

We got to the hotel and checked in. We all went our separate ways to our rooms.

When I unlocked and opened the door Sal rushed passed me and plopped onto the bed.

I set our suitcase by the door and walked over to where Sal was.

He took off his prosthetic and set it on the night stand.

"You know for this being a small area this is a nice hotel."


Sal started moving his arms up and down like he was making a snow angel in the sheets.

I giggled

"Your so immature"

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided to splash my face with cold water.

Sal snuck up behind me and hit me with a pillow.

"Your so gonna regret that."

Sal squealed and ran quickly, I chased after him.

He got onto the bed and stood on the left side while I was on the right.

"You just technically cornered yourself-"

"That's fine I can stand here all night."

He crossed his arms.

Quickly I grabbed his ankle and he tripped backwards and fell down on the bed.

I got on top of him and pinned his arms down.

"Hah I win"

He smirked at me and kissed me.

"Your so gay fisher"

We laughed and stayed in the position we were in for a moment.

I leaned in and kissed Sal, This turned into a heated kiss.

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