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TW: Mentions of what happened to Sal

Travis POV

I got another phone call from Larry

Twice in one day? Damn he never talks to me this much.

"Hey la-"

"Hospital, now I promise it's worth it."



Sal's laugh.

"Give me 15 minutes."

I quickly put away my phone and ran outside to the car. I started the car as fast as possible and sped off.

He's awake.

I definitely know that laugh, it's one of the many reasons I fell in love with him in the first place. How could anyone forget something like that?

I was close to the hospital by now and sped up faster.

Finally I arrived and quickly found a parking spot.

I ran inside and as I ran past the reception desk I yelled "Sal fisher" and the nurse just nodded at me. I continued running until I got to his room.

I got to his room and opened the door. When I walked inside I put my hands on my knees and started breathing heavily.

"God damn Travis did you run all the way here?"

"Larry....Shut the fuck up please."

I looked up and saw Sal was asleep.

"How long again did he pass out?"

"Right after I called you. He was pretty exhausted."

"That's understandable."

"Wanna wait here with me for him to wake up again?"


I walked over by Larry and he punched my arm playfully.

"So did Sal say anything when he was awake?"

"We just kinda talked about what happened and then I was catching him up with stuff."

"Any pain?"

"He mentioned a headache and that's it. I'm pretty he's numbed by all the medicine."

"I'm just glad he was able to wake up without complications."

"Me to, I don't know what I would have down without my best friend."

"How long have you two known eachother?"

"About 6 years I believe."

"Wow that is a long time."

"I'm just so happy he's alright."

"Same here. It's been fucking hell being away from him."

Larry nodded.

It was silent and it seemed like we were both trapped in our thoughts.

"Hey Larry?"


"You don't hate me anymore right?"

"Of course not. To be honest I wish we talked more. Your a chill person Travis but you have a worrying problem and I think that stops you from doing some stuff."

"Yeah your right about that."

"It's good to worry sometimes but making it your whole life style Isnt healthy man."

"I know your right, but I mean what am i suppose to do about that?"

"To be honest I have no clue. I'm horrible at advice."



We both laughed and it got quiet again.

"Larry one more question."


"How do you feel about nockfell? Like honestly."

"I mean, I grew up here but it's also such a dark and strange place. I feel like it would be nice to finally leave it all behind, and well I lost my dad here so I have some hatred for this dumbass town."

"Yeah, I can understand that. I don't like nockfell aswell for obvious reasons."

"Mhm, anyways if you don't mind me asking what's up with the sudden change of topic?"

"I was just thinking about-"

Sal yawned and started waking up.

"Could you be any louder, damn."

"Finally you woke up."


He quickly looked over to me and smiled. I stood from where I sat and walked over to his side.

Quickly he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. Larry walked out of the room.

"I missed you so much."

"Im so sorry."

"It's okay, you really don't have to apologize."

"I promise I'm gonna actually try and get better this time."

"You don't have to promise anything to me Sal. Just try and do what's best for you alright?"

He nodded

"I love you so much and I'm sorry I didn't help you more. I should have noticed the signs earlier on."

"It's my fault for being a idiot Travis"

"You're not an idiot for trying to kill yourself. You just didn't know what else to do and I'm sorry you felt out of options."




"I don't think we should stay in nockfell."

"Why's that?"

"I just don't think it's good for us nor anyone in all honesty."

"I have to agree with you on that."

"When I get discharged from the hospital, I want move and just get away from this horrid town."

"I think that's a great idea but where would we go?"


"Where you use to live?"

"Mhm..only if you want to."

"I mean we should think about it more like planning wise but I'll follow you to the end of the earth if I had to."

"So is that a yes?"

"Of course it is."

"What do we do about Larry and ash and everyone else?"

"Maybe we should talk to them about moving aswell. I was actually gonna ask Larry about it before you woke up."

"I think this would be a great fresh start for all of us."

"Me to."

"Well what now?"

"I think I should call Larry back in here and we'll talk to him about the plan."


——Author Note——


So I've been super busy with school so I'm sorry about that but yeah I hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter :D

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