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Tw// assault/slurs/peer pressure

Travis's POV

Maybe I'm overreacting but I definitely do NOT like that kai dude.

Sal kept reassuring me by saying he was just a bitch from middle school and he would never imagine talking to him again.

I'm not claiming sal to be the type to cheat or anything I just mean I have a bad feeling kai might try hurting sal or something.

It sounds stupid but I just was nervous.


I looked beside me and Sal gave me a concerned but comforting look.


"I've been calling your name for the past minute, everything alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm alright."

He nodded slowly and continued staring ahead of us.

Currently we were walking around. Sal had to do last minute shopping and I just didn't wanna be stuck in the hotel.

I noticed him shivering.

"I told you, you should have worn a heavier jacket."

He scoffed and I giggled in response. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around him. I pulled him closer against my side and wrapped my arm around his waist. He snuggled up against me until we made it back inside the hotel.

We got to our room and both laid down.

"Should we just stay in for the rest of the evening?"

"Definitely, to cold outside."

I smiled

"We could watch movies?"

"I'm down for that idea."

I nodded and turned on the tv. We settled on a comedy. He scooted closer to me and clung onto me. I wrapped my arm around him.

"I'm colddddd"

I rolled my eyes playfully and let go of him for a minute. He whined at the loss of contact but I continued to stand up and untuck the bedsheets.

He immediately went under the covers and wrapped himself into a cocoon of blankets.

I laid by his side again and focused back to the screen.


We were finishing the movie when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it"

Sal nodded and kept his focus on the screen. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Larry and ash.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Travis! Is sal here?"


I opened the door wider and they walked in.

"Hey Sal!"


Sal let the blankets drop around him and he scrambled to get off the bed.

"So we found this really cool club not to far from here and we're wondering if you and Travis were willing to join us"

He looked over at me as if asking what he should say.

"I'll go, it's up to Sal if he wants to though."

He contemplated for a moment.

"Sure I'll go aswell"

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