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CW/// Vomiting.

(Also quick warning ALOT happens in the first couple of paragraphs so bare with me and it's a Fluff like chapter :])

Travis's POV
2:30 am

I was woken up by Sal quickly getting up from our bed and running out of the room.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend what just happened but I soon followed after him. I heard gagging noises from the bathroom and opened the door to Sal throwing up.Quickly I went behind him and held his hair back. About 5 minutes later the gagging stopped and now there was just breathing.

"Sal, what happened are you ok?"

His breathing was raspy and heavy. I held him on the bathroom floor until he was more calmed and was able to talk.

"I woke up...and had a pain in my stomach...and each minute it just got worse until finally I had the urge to throw up."

I felt his forehead and he was burning up.

"I'm gonna let you clean yourself up a bit then we can head back to bed ok?"

He nodded and I exited the bathroom, I still stood by the door just in case he needs me. It wasn't long until he walked out. I wrapped my arm around him and we made our way back to our bedroom.

Sal got in bed and sat up. he looked so exhausted.

"Hey love I'm gonna go to the kitchen and find some anti nausea medicine. Just stay in bed I'll be right back." (Please tell me I'm not the only one who keeps medicine in the kitchen 🧍🏻‍♀️)

He nodded and I rushed out to the kitchen. I looked through the cabinet for a few minutes until I finally found the medicine. I also got him a glass of water.

When I came back to Sal, he was still sitting up in bed but now with gizmo in his lap. He looked like he was about to fall asleep.

I kneeled down beside him and handed him the pills and water. He quickly swallowed the pills and laid down. I went over to my side and got in bed next to him.

I wrapped my arms around him and I could hear his breathing slowing. Though unlike him I couldn't fall back asleep. I was worried for Sal, I know it was probably just the flu but still.


After a hour or two of being awake, I managed to fall asleep and now it was about 6:30. Sal was still asleep in my arms, though now his breathing sounded congested.

Quietly I got out of bed and made Sal a small breakfast. I know he probably wouldn't feel like eating, but it was still worth a try. Besides it was just plain toast and some water.

I was waiting for his toast to be done when I heard my phone ring.

~Incoming call~
Accept decline

"Hey ash."

"Good morning Travis! are you and Sal busy today?"

"Well actually last night Sal got sick so today I think he's just gonna take it easy."

"Oh no, what happened?"

"At like 2 in the morning he woke up and ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. I think he has the flu, He's had a fever and he sounds congested."

"Aw, well tell him I hope he gets better. I'll let Larry and the other know so they don't text him and disturb him."

"I'll let him know, and thanks ash."

"Anytime, Also just message me or Larry if you need some extra help. Warning Sal can get moody when he's sick."

"I think I have it under control but I will definitely let you guys know if we need anything."

"Alright. Well I'll talk to you later Travis. Let us know how he does." ((Idk why I keep making ash sound like a mom-))

"Will do. Bye ash."

When the toast was done I put it on a small plate and got a glass of water ready. I carried it to our bedroom and I saw Sal sitting up in bed. It looked like he just woke up.

"Hey Love, how are you feeling?"

"Not any better..."

"Well, I made you some breakfast if you wanna try and eat. You don't have to though, I know how hard it is to eat if your sick."

"Thanks travy."

"Anytime. Also ash called, I let her know what's wrong with you and she said she's gonna tell the others not to text or call you so you can rest."

"You guys are worrying to much."

"It's my job as your boyfriend to be worried about you, and ash is just being a good friend. Anyways do you need anything else?"

"No I'm okay for now."

"Alright, I'm gonna go to the store and get some more medicine for you. You sure you don't need anything?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok just text me if you change your mind, and please call me if you need me to come home immediately."

"Travis I'll be fine I promise. I can't take care of myself."

"Alright I'll be back soon. I love you."

"I love you to."

———Author Note———

Hey! Sorry for the short chapter. Next one will be longer I promise :]

Also if you don't mind and if you enjoy my books it would mean a lot if you could vote for the chapters. No pressure though :]

Love you guys (/p) and thank you for all the support!

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