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(Sorry for any spelling errors)

F slur

Sal's POV

It was the next day and it was 30 minutes before mrs.phelps funeral.

I was already dressed but Travis was still getting ready. I walked to our bedroom and knocked gently on the door.

"Travis, can I come in?"


I creaked open the door and saw Travis sitting on the bed with the letter from his mom. I walked over to him and sat besides him. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know if I can do this Sal..."

"I know how hard it is love, But I know you'll make it through it. I'll be there every step of the way."



I fixed his tie and we headed for the church. Of course I knew about his trauma with the church but we had no other choice.

Travis led me to the front of the church to our seats. We were holding hands and got a lot of judging stares.

He was worried and scared, I can tell. I gently squeezed his hand and he looked at me and smiled.

We sat down and waited for the ceremony to begin.

"You doing alright Travis?"

"Yeah, thanks Sal."

Finally Travis's father went up on the mini stage and started speaking. I zoned out but soon I heard Travis's name being called.

He quietly got up and made to way over to his dad. He gave him a venomous glare.

Travis's looked even more worried now.

He went over by the mic and looked at me before quickly speaking.

"My mother was a very kind and gentle women. She did everything for me and my father.

Her life was cut short but all I hope is that she is at peace finally. Although I wasn't there for her last breath I know how proud she was of me and how much she cared about me.

That's a funny thing about my mother, she was a family kind of person and hated being away from the ones she cared about even if they didn't care about her..."

He glared at his father before continuing. (GET HIS ASS)

"Goodbye mother, thank you for everything. We love you very much."

He looked over at her closed coffin and then came back to our seat.

"You did great." 

He smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

30 minutes later everyone who wanted to speak got a chance and they then ended the ceremony with everyone saying their final goodbyes at her open coffin.

Travis couldn't bare to do it and just stayed with me in the corner of the room.

"Travis, this is your last chance to say goodbye. Are you sure you don't want to?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on I'll go with you."

He nodded and we headed to the front of the church again.

I stayed a few steps back and let Travis say goodbye.

"Hey mom, I really hope your actually proud of me. I'm so sorry I wasn't with you during your final moments but know I love you so much. You were the only one who cared about me and the only one who accepted me. Thank you."

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