
706 19 46

Sal's POV

I woke up to a sudden shaking and looked where I was.

Travis looked bored out of his mind and glanced at me.

"Oh sorry we're on a bumpy road."

"It's fine- how long have I been asleep?"

"Around 3 hour's."

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Don't worry about it, I had gizmo to keep me company."


"How much longer?"

"18 hours"


"It won't be so bad, Larry called and said we're gonna stop in 15 minutes."

"Oh thank universe"

I looked out the window and saw we were in a forest.
It was quite pretty, especially with the sun shining through the tree leaves.



"Do you know where we're stopping?"

"Larry said it's a flower field just through the tree's."

"Sounds nice."

"Yeah it's also by a small lake."

"How many minutes now?"


The car grew silent and I could see Travis was exhausted already.

"You wanna switch places?"

"No I'll be ok, besides your to small to reach the Pedals"


He chuckled and continued his focus to the road.

"Ok ok all jokes aside are you sure?"

"I'll be fine dear but thank you."

I love those dumb nicknames.

"Fine but let me know."

"Will do"
——10 mins later——
"We're here."

Travis pulled to the side of the road and he got out the car. He walked to the passenger side and let me out.

"After you m'lady"

"Hm yes what a fine young man, thank you"

We both burst out giggling.

He took my hand and helped me out the car. I put coco melon on my phone and placed it in front of gizmo. The windows were down so he can get air.

"That should distract him for a bit."

We walked over to the field and saw no one was here yet.

"Well we have some time before they get here I guess so let's go find a perfect spot."

I took Travis's hand we started running through the field. We Went over by the lakeside.

"This is perfect."

I sat down and stared out at the water, Travis sat next to me. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"It's been a crazy past 3 years huh?"

"Definitely..I mean I never expected to be dating my high school bully."

"I didn't expect this either. Thought by now I would still be trapped with my shit father."

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