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TW: Death and Intrusive thoughts

!Spoiler! ((no Sal doesn't die he's alr in this chapter I just wanna add this spoiler bc I don't wanna make anyone anxious))

Travis's POV

The next morning I woke up again in a empty bed.

I missed him so much, it's driving me crazy. I just want him home.

I got up and did my normal morning routine.

I went to the kitchen and started cutting up fruit for breakfast when all the sudden I had thoughts of cutting my fingers off.

What the fuck- get a hold of yourself Travis god damn.

That was weird. Quickly I finished putting the fruit in a bowl and put the knife in the sink.

As I sat down to eat I got a phone call from the hospital. Fuck this better be good.


"Hello is this Travis phelps?"


"Your the son of Kenneth phelps correct?"

"Yes that's correct."

"Oh well I'm sorry to inform you but your father passed away about 5 minutes ago due to poisoning."

"Holy s- I mean do you guys know what happened?"

"Yes, his girlfriend Olivia Sanchez was reported to have tempered with one of his meals or drinks, were not 100% percent sure yet but she was taken into custody."

"Oh okay we'll thank you for letting me know."

"Of course! Again condolences to you and your family."

she hung up and I pocketed my phone.

Holy shit, he's actually gone...He's dead.

This was the best day of my life. I wouldn't have to ever see him or get hurt by him ever again. I can finally be happy with Sal without his judgy ass.

I finished breakfast as soon as possible and made my way to the hospital to see Sal.

I was feeling more hopeful and happy now.

I understand you shouldn't ever be happy about someone passing but this was a different case.

He deserved it long ago and I'm just so happy it was finally over with.

Finally I arrived to the hospital and checked myself in. I went to the elevator and waited. I was just so giddy and happy to finally be free of my father. This definitely took some stress off my shoulders.

I got to sal's room and quietly walked in while closing the door behind me.

After closing the door and making sure the hallway was quiet I walked by sal's bed and sat at his side.



"Good news, my father's dead. I know that's not usually a good thing but we both know in this case it is."


"The doctors said you can still hear us, your just in a temporary coma...But I really wish you could wake up now. I miss you so much and so does Larry,ash,Todd...everyone."


"I love you."

I stood up and tucked some of his hair behind his ear and kissed his forehead.

I started walking and then I heard rustling behind me. I quickly spun around and saw nothing.

That's weird, I swore I heard movement.



Ok you've officially lost it travis.

Quickly I exited the room and made my way to the lobby as quick as my feet could carry me.

little did I know sal had opened his eyes right as I shut the door.


———Author Note———

Hi 🧍🏻‍♀️

So it's been a while I know but I've had a weird first week of school.

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and yes finally Kenneth the bitch is dead

See you all next time! ✌🏻

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