692 19 34

Sal's POV

A couple weeks has passed since the incident. We moved into our new apartments and got kai arrested. Christmas and New Years has passed aswell.

We were now just living our new life.

I walked into the small office travis worked in.


He turned his chair around and smiled at me.


"Are you almost off?"

"Yeah I just have to submit this last part."

I nodded.

"Why? Everything ok?"

He looked at me with suspicion.

"Well I was thinking we can start wedding planning today."

"Oh totally! Just give me like five more minutes"

He quickly began typing. I giggled and left to the livingroom.

I had been collecting wedding magazines and saving websites on the computer. I would be lying if I said I hadn't already started planning by myself but I knew travis was free from work the rest of the week so this would be a perfect opportunity.

I scanned one of the magazines while I waited for him. To be honest I didn't really have a ideal wedding idea. All seemed nice but nothing felt perfect. I was also torn between me wearing a dress or suit.

I bit my lip and tried focusing back to the other wedding theme idea's.

The page I currently was on were themes for a forest venue.



Travis walked out from the hallway and sat next to me.

"Forest theme?"

"Nah to wildernessy"

He laughed

"Have you found any ideas yet?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you have any?"

He took a moment to think.


"I like the idea actually, I'll add it to the list of maybe's."

I got out a notebook and wrote it down.

"Can I see the maybe list?"

I nodded and handed him the book.

He scanned the page and I saw his eyes stop on one.

"What about this one?"

I followed where his finger pointed and the theme idea was put under as "meadow".

"That would be a open field type theme."

"I like the sound of that"

I thought for a moment. It would be pretty and peaceful.

"Perhaps we can find a field near a lake or something. Even better if it's a flower field."

"Definitely, so should we choose this venue?"

I contemplated for a moment. It would be a pretty venue and If it's a flower one we can do any color theme.

"I like the sound of it, it can also be easier to decorate and get ready."

"Field wedding it is!"


About 2 hours later we had already figured out the venue, catering, and color scheme.

I had texted ash if she could make outfit appointments. Didn't take long before she gave me the appointment dates.

Everything was going smooth.

I looked down at my lap and saw Travis had fallen asleep. I decided to just stay put and continue playing with his hair.

I scrolled through my phone looking at different suit and dress options. I was still torn between which to wear.

I've worn dresses before, but would it make anyone uncomfortable? I know I don't usually care but this is our wedding day after all and it's suppose to be a huge day for me and Travis. I don't wanna ruin it in any way possible.

I put down my phone and stared the ceiling.

What was the right decision?

All the sudden gizmo hopped up behind me. I screamed and flinched, Travis woke up and fell off the couch.

"Ow fuck"

"I'm so sorry-"

He sighed.

"What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah- gizmo just scared me"


He stood up and sat back on the couch. He leaned his head against my shoulder.

"Sorry for falling asleep"

"It's alright, I'm sorry for waking you"

He laughed.

"I think it was the cats fault"


"Ok geez calm down im just joking"

I shook my head and got up.

"Let's call it a night?"

I lend out my hand towards him. He nodded and took my hand.

We walked to our bedroom and laid down on our bed. I cuddled up next to him and quickly fell asleep.

——Author Note——


So sorry for the small chapter I didn't know what else to do for it.

Anyways we are nearing the end of this book and I just wanna thank you all for the love and support <33

Though this won't be the ending to my writing as I still have 3 other books to finish lol (all are salvis fanfics)

Anyways I'll see you all in the next chapter!

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