47 (smut)

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(Look at picture for reference for this first part of the chapter)

Sal's POV

Today was the day I had to finalize what I was wearing at the wedding. I still hadn't decided if I wanted to wear a dress or suit.


"What's wrong?"

Travis peered over my shoulder and looked at the computer screen.

"I can't decide what to wear still."

"Why not a suit/dress combination? You know those exist right?"

"Are you serious."

He laughed

"You honestly had no clue it was a thing?!"

I looked him dead in the eye and sighed in frustration.

"That would have been useful information earlier."

In reply he just kissed my cheek and continued looking over my shoulder.

I scrolled through a few ideas for pantsuit with a train type style. Honestly I could pull something like this off.

"Ooh what about something like that?"

Travis pointed at a dark blue pantsuit. The shirt was a ruffle corset and it had a decent sized train behind it. The train was sheer fabric and matched the color of the pantsuit.

"I really like this one. I definitely could make something like this work."

"You can make any outfit work."

"Of course I can, I'm Sal fucking fisher"

Travis scoffed playfully.

"Whatever you choose doesn't matter. You'll look great either way."

With that, He kissed me and walked away.

"Maybe I could just hire someone to do this picking out thing for me."


"You have it easy dude"


"I don't mean to be stereotypical of our relationship but I mean come on I'm the one who has the balls to wear a dress or suit. Meaning I have to pick between those two things. You on the other hand just have to pick a suit and boom, your done."

Travis just laughed and turned around to look me in the eye.

"True BUT I didn't say I wouldn't wear a dress. Hell sign me up if you want."

"Haha very funny phelps"

"Ouch not the last name."

I stuck out my tongue and sat upon the counter top.

"What time is it?"

I looked at my phone.


"Damn feels later than that."

"To be fair you've been working a lot lately, which speaking of the subject, I'm worried about you."

"I'm alright don't worry. I know it seems I'm working a lot but I promise I take breaks."

"I know but still, I wanna be sure your safe."

"I swear I'm okay"

"I believe You, I just overthink it."

"there's nothing to overthink. Everything is alright. I promise"

I nodded and got down from the counter. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist to hug him.He turned around to face me again and kissed the top of my head.

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