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TW// Suicide.

Travis's POV

I was racing home excited with the new evidence I found. I'm sure Sal would be happy to. Maybe this time he'll get real closure.

I did slow down a bit because the last time I drove this fast it didn't end up well. Besides like I said I just wanted to get home to Sal.

I finally got home and grabbed my stuff from the passenger seat. I quickly ran into the building and went to our apartment.

"Sal I'm back!"

No answer...


At this point I started worrying, usually he would have responded.

I started checking in the livingroom then the kitchen then the bedroom and still no sign of him. We only had one car so I know he didn't go anywhere and I didn't find a note nor did I get a text message.

The last place I thought to check was the bathroom.

I knocked and there was just silence. I tried twisting the knob and it was locked.


I frantically tried opening the door and it wouldn't budge. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed the apartment keys. I quickly Pulled out the bathroom one and rushed back to the bathroom door.

I unlocked the door and busted through it.


Sal was on the floor bleeding out from his wrist. He was conscious but there wasn't much time.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some bandages. I went back to the bathroom and wrapped his wrist as best as possible.

I then picked him up bridal style and took him to the car. I laid him in the backseat and ran back to my side of the car and once I sat down I started the engine and drove off.

Careful not to swerve the car, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Larry.

"Hey tra-"

"Larry there's no time meet me at the nockfell hospital right now."

"Dude what happened?!"

"Sal he-"

"I already know, I'll tell everyone to meet there."

"Alright see you there but please hurry."

"Will do."

He hung up and I continued the drive.

Finally we got there and I picked Sal up bridal style again and walked as fast as I could into the entrance.

A nurse automatically saw me and called for help. Soon he was taken out of my arms and I was told to wait in the waiting room.

———20 minutes later———

((Im gonna use names this one time so people understand who's talking there's a lot of dialogue))

I was sitting in the waiting room and heard my name being called. I looked up and saw Larry,ash,Todd, and Neil running towards me.

Larry: "Is he okay?!"

Travis: "I don't know Larry.."

Ash: "can you tell us what happened?"

Travis: "I was at the lake because I thought I could find more evidence about his fathers death and I found a few things plus I saw his dads ghost, anyways then I got home and called out his name but he didn't answer so I looked around in the apartment and found him in the bathroom with his wrist slit..."

Larry: "Holy shit...Have they given anymore info about him?"

Travis: "Not yet sadly."

Larry: "Fuck."

Ash: "What do we do?

Todd: "seems like the only thing we can do is wait."

Larry: "Did he even mention anything about wanting to commit?"

Travis: "no as far as I knew he was pretty happy until the new evidence for his father's case."

Larry: "I love him like my little brother but I hate when he's stubborn and doesn't talk about shit like this. We could have all helped him."

Travis: "I feel horrible because for fucks sake I was living with him and couldn't even tell he was hurting."

Ash: "It's no ones fault, just for now we have to be there for him when he wakes up."

Neil: "Ash is right, while we wait me and Todd are gonna go to the hospital cafeteria and grab some drinks anyone else want something?"

Ash: "Just get us all waters."

He nodded and left towards the cafeteria with Todd.

Finally after 2 hours of waiting a nurse walked over to us.

"He's gonna be okay."

"Thank god."

"How long does he have to stay?"

"We're not sure yet."

I nodded. The nurse smiled and walked away.

As long as he's okay.

———Author Note———

Please don't kill me for this.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed :]

Please vote for the chapter ((you don't have to if u don't want to no pressure <3))

Thank you for the love and support :D

Please ignore any spelling errors.

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