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Sal's POV

Finally wedding planning concluded and everything was set for our big day.

The wedding wouldn't be until this summer but that was ok with us. It gave us more time to prepare for the next stage of our life.

With all this being said we were now planning ash's gender reveal. Larry texted me earlier this week saying they knew the gender of the baby now and we were all pretty excited to find out.

It would be a small gathering with just the gang but we wanted to make it special.

I helped with getting decorations and cupcakes with blue or pink cake mix. Although because I couldn't know the gender yet I just had to send a letter ash wrote for the right color.

Anyways currently I was at home looking for small jobs. I wasn't one to really do a full time sorta thing and I wanted to find something to keep me busy.

"Hey Sal"

I looked over at the front door and saw Travis taking off his coat and hanging it up.

I smiled at him.

"Hey, I didn't even hear you walk in"

He laughed

"I mean to be fair it's not like I have heavy footsteps."

I nodded.

"So what are you doing?"

He walked over and sat down beside me.

"Looking for part time jobs, thought it could entertain me plus i wanna help out with money and stuff."

"Oh nice, which ones are your top pick so far?"

"Well there's a host job for a restaurant down the street and a opening for a barista"

"Ooh both are good options, I think you should pick whichever one would be more better to fit in with scheduling though."

"Good point but both jobs would be on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's. Only difference is the barista job is in the morning and the host job is in the evening."

"What time in the morning and evening?"

"8:00 to 11:00 am and 4:00 to 6:00 pm"

"I think the host job is better only because your not a morning person."

I thought for a moment. Travis was right I'm definitely not a morning person and besides I think a host job would help me interact with people better.

"Alright then host occupation it is."

I went to the apply link and started filling out the
necessary documents.

"And now we wait"

"I'm sure your gonna get the job."

Later that evening I got a email that they were interested in having me come in for a interview tomorrow. I was excited and replied as soon as I could.


I ran into our room, I was basically jumping up and down with excitement.

Unfortunately I had socks on and slipped on the floor.

"Damn it"

"Holy shit are you ok?"

Travis ran over to me and helped me up.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine but I have amazing news!"

"did you get the job?!"

"Not yet exactly BUT they want me to go to the restaurant tomorrow for a interview!"

He smiled big and hugged me

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it"

I smiled to and held him tighter.

"I'm so excited I can't believe I'm so close to having a job!"

I let him go and stared into his eyes.

"This is basically gonna be my first job"

"Again I'm proud of you this is a huge thing!"

"Well I appreciate that you are supporting me."

"Of course I am, I will always support whatever you do."

I hugged him again

"Your to amazing"

He laughed and I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll go get it"

I let go and walked to the front door. I opened the door and there was ash and Larry.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Hey Sal we were wondering if you and Travis wanted to go to a party store with us and get some supplies?"

"Sure! Give us a few minutes. You guys can come in if you want."

They nodded and I moved aside to let them pass.

They went and sat on the couch.

"I'll be right back"

I headed towards my room.

"Hey Travis, ash and Larry were wondering if we wanted to go get supplies with them for the gender party."

"Oh sure I just need to put shoes on."

I nodded and walked to the bathroom and combed my hair.

After about 5 minutes of rushing around we were ready and we all headed out to the store.

It was a nice outing to say the least. Larry and ash were excited they finally were gonna know the gender.

Though somewhere along the way I fucking realized that meant they had sex and I was not prepared for that thought.


Larry surprised us and took us out to dinner. It was nice hanging out with them. With everything that's been happening we haven't had a chance to just hang out.

This week seems like it was gonna be eventful but in the way that's positive and not stressing.


We got home around 8:30 and decided to watch baking tutorials and ATTEMPT to copy them.

That was the cool thing about living in a apartment, we could see the tv from the kitchen and do dumb challenges like this.

We decided on a very detailed two layered cake.

You can probably guess how that went.



I ran over to the oven but slipped on some flour and hit my head against a cabinet.

"Twice in one day"

Travis laughed and helped me up.

I smirked and threw a handful of flour towards his face. His hair and face was quickly covered in flour.


I busted up laughing and fell to my knees.

I heard Travis sigh and he walked to the oven and turned it off. Finally I gained my composure again and stood up to hug him from behind.

"Your getting flour all over me."

"Huh how funny, wish I remembered how i even got covered in the first place."

I giggled and just hugged him tighter.

——Authors note——
Hello everybody!

Thank you so much for patiently waiting. It's been quite the month already.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed as always and I'll see you in the next chapter! :]

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