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Tw/// Fighting/violence/ mentions of what Kai did to sal

Travis's POV

I decided to go find Sal. It's been a hour.

He wasn't at the bar and not the dance floor so I decided to go check with Larry.

"Hey guys"

"Travisssss hiii!"

"Is he drunk?"

Ash nodded.

"Anyways have you guys seen Sal? I haven't seen him for a while and I looked everywhere."

Ash pondered for a moment.

"I think I saw him go to the bathroom"

"Thx ash"

"Mhm also let us know if he's alright"

"Will do."

I headed straight towards the bathroom. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw kai.

What does this motherfucker want?

"Travis right?"

I didn't answer.

"Alright silent treatment I get it. Anyways I just wanted to let you know your fiancé Sal is a man whore, if I can even call him a man."

He snickered.

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me. He was all over me it was disgusting."

"He wouldn't dare even touch you and I know that for a fact."

"Oh yeah you wanna see?"

He pulled out his phone and showed me a photo of him and Sal kissing.

This didn't make any sense but in that moment I knew something was wrong.

Without thinking I uppercutted his nose. He stumbled backwards, he groaned in pain. I quickly walked away and made my way to the bathroom.

When I opened the door I heard someone crying. It sounded like Sal.



"Sal I know it's you in here, where are you?"

I heard some shuffling and the click of a door.

He walked out of a stall and quickly ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and he started crying again.

"What happened love?"

"Can we please just leave."

I nodded and let go of the embrace. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the club.

I texted ash to let her know we were going back to the hotel. Sal called over a taxi.

The ride was silent and Sal kept a distance. Was Kai right? I mean I never really knew Sal to ever even think about cheating but maybe he was drunk or something. Whatever happened I'm gonna have to figure it out.

Unfortunately I can't just ask him, I still wanna respect him and give him some time. Who knows, maybe I'm just being a dumb over thinker and Sal really didn't do anything.

Still, I have to keep my guard up for a bit.

——TimeSkip to later that evening——

I was at the rooftop trying to think of a approach with Sal. I didn't wanna push him to tell me but I really didn't know what else to do.

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