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Travis POV

"So Larry what do you think?"

"Honestly I'm with you guys, I'm ready to leave nockfell."

"What about ash,Todd,and Neil?"

"I'll talk to ash but I think you should be the one to talk to Todd."

"Ok sounds like a plan."

"Do you two think chug and maple will wanna come aswell?"

"It would be cool for the whole gang to go but this is a huge step. I'm not sure if everyone's gonna be able to go at the same time."

"I mean me and Larry can still definitely ask them though."


"So it's settled, after we talk to everyone we start preparing to leave and then when Sal gets discharged we make our move and leave."

"Wait Travis what about your father? Won't he follow us?!"

"Oh um I forgot to mention he passed away this morning due to poisoning I believe. His new girlfriend did it to him."

"Holy shit."

"Yeah but i mean I'm not really upset though. Bastard deserved it. I know it's bad to talk bad about the dead but you guys saw the shit he did."

"Yeah you have a point, and I agree bitch got what was coming to him."

"Alright well I'm gonna leave you two alone because I gotta get home before ash starts to worry, plus I wanna start this plan ASAP."

"Alright see you later Larry."

"Bye lar bear!"

"Sal seriously."


"See you guys."

He playfully punched sal's arm before leaving.

"Well, what now?"

"I don't know. I'm still kind of in shocked that you're awake."

"I know, it feels weird to me aswell."

"I'm not complaining though. It's great to have you back."

"Heh, OH how's gizmo?!"

"He's great, but I think he knew you weren't ok."

"Aw I miss him."

"I wish I was allowed to bring animals into the hospital but I'm afraid that's not how it works."


"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be out soon."

"Yeah another 3 weeks Atleast + the mental hospital."

"I mean you don't have to go unless you actually want to. I won't force you but I will support whatever decision you make. Especially if it would help you."

"I know you would, but I just don't like mental hospital's, their kinda scary because I'll be alone."

"You still got time to think about it alright? I'll also be here every step of the way."

"Thanks that means a lot. Even though I already knew you would."

"What can I say, I'm a simp."

"Heh yeah but hey Atleast your not one of those bitchy boyfriends."


Sal laid down and stared at the ceiling. Something else seemed to be on his mind. I didn't wanna ask though for the fear of pushing him to much.

He was probably still shooken from just waking up and finally being around people again.

He sighed and seemed like he was about to cry. Okay now this would be the time I stepped in.

"What's wrong Sal?"

"I don't know I guess it's all just to much for me to take right now."

"I understand what you mean."

"I just feel so awful. I could have caused even worse pain to you guys if my plan went through."

"Sal don't worry about that. Were just happy your awake and safe now."

"I know but I just can't imagine how lonely and depressing it was to wake up with knowing the fact I was slowly dying in the hospital and having a small chance of making it."

"I mean I'm not gonna lie, it really was lonely and depressing but you should also think about how relieved we are now that we know you fought that small chance and did survive. I know I keep repeating that but it's true."


"I love you."

"I love you more Sal and please stop worrying about us for a bit and just worry about yourself and think about what we can do to help you and how your gonna be able to help yourself aswell."

"Your right, I need to stop worrying so much."

"We both have that in common. Larry actually started talking to me about it earlier."

"He's also right."

"Guess we both have stuff to work on."

"And we'll get through it together like we always do."

"Of course we will."

He smiled but i could tell he was tired again.

"Get some rest alright? I'll come visit again later."

"Ok, goodbye Travis. I love you"

"I love you to."

I walked over to Sal and kissed him and headed towards the door.

Looking back one more time I could see he was already passed out. I gently closed the door and made my way to the lobby.

I decided to text Larry and update him.

                                       Larry 🍃
Hey Larry, just left the hospital. Sal fell asleep again.

Thanks for the update! I talked to ash and she thinks it's a good plan.

Awesome! Tomorrow we'll meet at the hospital and talk about it more now that we know ash is on board.

Sounds great

See ya!

Hasta la vista 🤟🏼
Hopefully I can get Todd and Neil to come to the hospital to and we can talk to them.

I'm excited actually. We might all finally get the fresh start we need.

Nockfell is definitely not the place to live. I mean there's a lot of strange stuff that happens here and we've all had a terrible past that revolves around nockfell.

I think now all I needed to do was go home and rest. I was exhausted but felt like I can finally sleep peacefully.

I knew he was ok and that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Most importantly I knew he was safe and back with us.

Unfortunately I couldn't escape the thoughts of what could have happened to him if I didn't find him sooner.

The scene still haunts me every time I think about him. No one should ever have to see someone they love in that condition I found him in.

I just need to get home and stop thinking about this.

———Author Note———

I bought sally face this weekend and oh my god it was better to play it then watch gameplays. I finished it within a day-

Also Don't mind the song I put at the top. I just like it lol.

Anywayssss I hope you enjoyed and I'll see u in the next chapter :D

Also reminder: you are so valid and loved and please take care of yourself you deserve that self care <3

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