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CW for us single people: this is a fluff chapter

Sal's POV

"IM HOME FINALLY" I kicked open the door and fell to the floor.

"Sal be more careful you just got out of the hospital." Travis was behind me carrying my hospital bag and a coffee.

"I know I'm finally freeee" I started rolling back and forth on the carpet.

"Your such a child sometimes." Travis walked passed me and headed into our bedroom.

"Yeah but Atleast I know how to loosen up and have fun bitch boy."

Travis peeked his head through the doorway and stuck his tongue out at me.

I rolled my eyes and got up from the floor.

"Gizmooooo where are you?"

I started looking around the apartment but he was nowhere.

"Travis have you seen gizmo?"

"Have you tried looking in the bathroom?"


"Look there then."

I walked to the bathroom and there was gizmo in the bathtub.

"Oh- my bad gizmo."


I suddenly remembered what had happened in that room. I shivered and closed the door.

I walked to my bedroom and Travis had already started packing more stuff in boxes.

"We just got home"

"I know but I have nothing else to do."

"You could do me"


Travis turned his head over to me and his face was bright red.

I busted up laughing and leaned against the doorframe for support.

"Sal you are so dirty minded"

Travis faced the other way and continued putting things in boxes.



"I'm bored"

"You could come help me."


I walked over and sat next to him. I laid against his shoulder and watched him carefully.

Travis was always careful with whatever the task was and he always needed it to be done fast and right.



I looked up and Travis was staring at me worried.

"You zoned out"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No it's alright you just weren't responding so it worried me for a second."

"Oh yeah no im alright um anyways we're you saying something."

"Yeah I was talking about the move."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to zone out"

"It's alright"

Travis had finished with packing stuff and pushed the boxes off to the side. Travis went to stand up but I grabbed his hand.

"Stay please"

He laughed and sat on the floor with me again. I laid on his lap and he started playing with my hair.

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