51 (Bonus)

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1 year later.

Travis's POV

"Sal! I need your help!"


I was trying to get our daughter Aubrey ready but she wasn't complying.

"Aubrey sweetie please just let me get you dressed"

"No! I don't want to wear a dress."

"You've said no to almost every outfit. This is like the last one."

"I don't want to!"

Sal walked in with our son Zane in his arms and set him down.

"What's going on?"

"Aubrey has decided that she no longer likes her clothes."

Sal picked up Aubrey and looked into her eyes.

"What's wrong with your clothes?"

Aubrey looked upset and started tearing up. I walked over to her and Sal.

"Just tell us what's wrong sweetheart."

"I don't want to wear dresses, their uncomfortable. I want to wear my pajamas."

"I wish we could let you but its rayne's birthday party and you have to At least wear a shirt and pants."


Sal set her down and picked Zane back up. I kneeled to Aubrey's level.

"How about after the party we can come home and put you straight into pajamas and have a movie night ok?"

"Ok daddy"

I smiled at her and picked out a new outfit for her. I got her dressed and we left to ash and Larry's house.


When we got to ash and Larry's house, we were about 15 minutes late but we were the only ones there.

"Hey Travis! Hi miss Aubrey. It's good to see you two. Where's Zane and sal?"

"Hi auntie ash!"

I set Aubrey down and she hugged ash and then ran off,

"Zane fell asleep in the car so sals out there trying to wake him up."

"Aww, well I can go help him if he wants"

"It's ok I'm going out there right now. Aubrey was just excited to see rayne and soda"

"Ok I'll keep a eye on Aubrey for you."

"Thanks ash"

I went back outside and saw that Sal was still struggling to keep Zane awake.

"He's being stubborn"

"Go inside and have fun, I'll take watch over him."

Sal nodded and handed me Zane. I carefully rocked him and put him back in his car seat.

"You sure you'll be ok?"


He smiled at me softly and walked towards the house. I turned on the car so the AC was running and every couple of minutes would turn around to check on him.

About 10 minutes later he woke up crying.

I quickly got out of the front seat and unbuckled him. I held and gently rocked him again.

"It's ok. I'm right here."

Slowly he stopped crying and he looked at me and smiled and start giggling.

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