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((I haven't said this yet but HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! all of you are so valid 💙🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️))

TW's: Suicide mentioning/death mention

Travis's POV

The light wasn't shining through the window today, instead it was cloudy and rainy. Me and Sal were sat up in bed watching a movie on my laptop.

Sal was a crying mess last night. Of course I felt horrible for him but I don't know what I could do to help. I had to be very careful with what I say.



"Can we stop the movie?"

"Sure, but why?"

"I'm tired."

I leaned forward and closed the laptop. then I put it in my bedside drawer. I sat back on the bed and Sal fell into my lap, I played with his hair.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I just feel like I needed to say it."

"Your not doing anything wrong Sal."

"Travis I've been treating you like shit for the past two days."

"Sal really I'm fine-"

"Please just this one time let me apologize."

I sighed.

slowly Sal drifted off to sleep and I was left alone to ponder on my thoughts.

If Sal was apologizing for yesterday I'm not really upset about it, yeah it kinda hurt but I don't think he meant it. He wouldn't purposely try and be mean.

Or maybe he was, I've noticed our relationship has been a little rocky recently. I dont think it'll get to the point where we have to break up. I don't wanna ever loose Sal.

*Knock knock*

Someone was at the front door.

I carefully lifted Sal off my lap and closed the door on my way out. I heard another knock.


I opened the front door and saw that it was Larry.

"Oh hey larry."

"Hey Travis is Sal home?"

"Yeah but he's asleep. You can come inside and wait for him to wake up."

"No that's alright, I just wanted to make sure he's ok. He hasn't responded to anyone's messages or calls."

"Oh he didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what? What happened?"

"I don't know if I should say it because it's not really my place but I think Sal would understand. Basically the cops came over yesterday and explained they found some new evidence for his fathers case. I guess he was in this drug dealing group or something like that and with that being said they told us that his fathers suicide might have been a cover up."

"Holy shit, I didn't know it was that bad."

"Yeah I was pretty shocked but I can only imagine how Sal must feel. He was pretty hateful towards himself for a long time because he thought the suicide was his fault."

"I know dude. I can't believe mr.fisher was that type of person. Yeah he had a alcoholic addiction but other than that he tried being a better father."

"I just hope they find more evidence so he case can be put to rest."

"Same, well if I happen to find something I'll let you guys know but for now I'm gonna keep quiet to the group and just tell them sal's phone is broken or something like that."

"Thanks Larry."

"Anytime, well I'll see you later bye dumbass."

"bye freak."

He laughed and walked away.

I closed the door. Great now what do I do?

an idea struck through my head and I quickly but quietly walked back into our shared bedroom and grabbed a hoodie,beanie, & sal's super gear boy thing.

I left a note on sal's bedside table and proceeded towards the front door. I planned on going to the lake and searching the area of where his father supposedly committed.

I locked the front door and went to my car. Luckily the rain wasn't so heavy anymore and it was just sprinkling.

The drive wasn't that long only about 15 minutes away. I tried coming up with a plan but in this situation I think I just have to see where it takes me.

Finally I arrived and before exiting the car I grabbed the super gear boy. Back in highschool Sal always talked about ghost hunting and how Todd made this for him. I think I know how to use it but hopefully Sal wasn't joking when he said it helps finds ghosts.

I walked over to the cliff and looked down. Well I definitely won't be jumping down. I walked around a few minutes until I found a path leading down to the shore.

The lake was pretty calm and the sun was starting to set. I gotta make this quick.

Ok if I remember correctly I have to walk around until the gear boy flashes and then that should tell me if there's a ghost nearby and then if I press a certain button it should let out a electricity shock.

So that's what I did, I walked around the shore for a little bit until it started flashing. I quickly pressed the shock button and Henry fishers ghost appeared.

Holy shit that actually worked?!


"Hey mr.fisher I'm so sorry if I disrupted your slumber but I really need to speak with you and find out what really happened."

"By the rocks"

"What rocks?"

"The ones at the bottom of the cliff."

"Wait why is there something hidden there?"

"I must go now, Please tell Sal I love him."

And just like that he was gone again. I guess Sal was right they don't really stick around for conversation.

I ran over to the rock cluster that formed just below the cliff. I searched around until I found a small hole. I reached in and pulled out a small box. I opened it and it was full of papers and various items.

"I guess this is what he was talking about."

By now the sun was already almost set so I decided to call it a night. I put the box and gear boy in the passenger seat and headed home for the night.

I really hope this will help the investigation.

————Author Note————

Hey! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry for not posting often. I'm currently on vacation but should be home in about a week so i promise uploading will be back on track soon!

If you enjoyed please leave a follow or vote on the chapter :] ((you don't have to if u don't want to!))

Thank you for the love and support! I'll see you in the next chapter.

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